First we want to thank everyone who supported the Africa's Future in African Hands Tour (AFIAH). The tour traveled to nine cities in the U.S. and generated $12,542 towards our goal of $25,000. Your support establishes a foundation for these types of African-led initiatives to flourish in Sierra Leone, providing inspiration to Africans everywhere. During the tour we were asked about the possibility of sponsoring specific projects. At the time, our site wasn't set up to do this but now we are excited to announce our new Sponsor A Project page. We have identified each project by area of focus (agriculture, fishing, health and education) giving you a choice of where you would like your money to go. We hope that providing a clear opportunity for you or your organization to sponsor a particular project will help us reach the goal that we initially set for the tour. And we also hope that it will help us meet our July 30 goal of $5,000 which is needed to address the immediate needs of our nursing, vocational and nursery schools. |
Here are some examples of what your money will be going toward
Can't commit to sponsorship? Make a one-time donation. |
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