Solidarity statements to the Six Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party

Below are some of the solidarity statements made at the Sixth Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party.

MARCOS GARCIA, Labor Attache, Venezuelan Embassy
Dear brothers and sisters,
As most of you know, I had the opportunity to attend your Fifth Congress in Washington, D.C. Then I also attended a kind invita­tion to a reception in your head­quarters in St. Petersburg, Florida. So I have a clear understanding of your efforts to build a revolutionary alternative to the people of African descent. This Sixth Congress is another step in that way.
The topics of discussion in the Congress are very relevant today, especially for those who struggle on behalf of the poor and who one day hope to free themselves from the chains of oppression that have hindered our peoples for so many centuries.
As you well know, such noble objectives for social justice face strong opposition at the nation­al and international levels from sectors that profit from poverty, malnutrition, hunger and lack of health services, and those who use the mass media’s power to justify aggression and violence without consideration for any ba­sic regulation of peaceful coexis­tence among nations, in their ef­fort to retain the current system of exclusion and oppression that only benefits an extreme minority.
This reality raises the urgent task of encouraging international solidarity with the struggles of the peoples for their right to sover­eignty and basic human rights. Ul­timately, a strong collective effort to support the just causes of our peoples before the threat of bar­barity that shows us its most ag­gressive face should be made by progressive, socialist and revolu­tionary sectors from various coun­tries.
We wish a great success to the Sixth Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party and we are sure that the discussions will be deep and the decisions ad­opted will allow you to continue advancing in the ways of peace, progress and organizing for social justice and liberation.
MAFUNDI LAKE, Political Prisoner
Congratulations and solidarity greetings from the bowels of the Alabama prison system. It is with love, humility and great respect that I greet the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the righteous strugglers who are in attendance of APSP’s Sixth Con­gress.
You have been consistent and persistent in this struggle for free­dom, justice and human dignity.
Over the last 40 years, the Af­rican People’s Socialist Party has done a herculean job of serving the people! It has provided a sterling example of revolutionary leader­ship, fortitude and courage for Af­rican people and other oppressed people throughout the world.
I feel honored to have worked closely with the APSP and to have served as the National Coordina­tor of the African National Prisoner Organization (ANPO), one of the many outstanding and effective or­ganizations created by the African People’s Socialist Party.
I would be greatly remiss if I did not acknowledge the presence of my wife, Carolyn Weyni Njeri Lake, children and members of my support committee, who have steadfastly demonstrated their love, loyalty and support for me in over 30 years of my incarceration.
Perhaps by now you have had the pleasure of being blessed by the beautiful and melodious voice of my wife, and I think she de­serves an ovation from those in attendance for her remarkable ex­ample of an African woman stand­ing in the gap for over 30 years of my incarceration without flinching. I love you baby!
I also want to acknowledge all of my friends and supporters from around the world who learned of my plight from reading The Burn­ing Spear newspaper.
Finally, I want to acknowledge and salute the African People’s Socialist Party for over 40 years of love, support and friendship. Thanks APSP for all you have done for me, my family and for people of the world. Please stand and take a bow!
Unbroken and Unbreakable!
Richard Mafundi Lake
LARRY ADAMS, People’s Organization for Progress
To the Sixth Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party
Sisters and Brothers; Com­rades in Struggle of the African Peoples’ Socialist Party:
The People’s Organization for Progress (P.O.P) extends warm and sincere feelings of solidarity to you on the occasion of your Sixth Congress. That you have politi­cally and organizationally consoli­dated step by step; year by year through a process that reflects five Congresses of growth and devel­opment of advanced forces in the struggle for the liberation of Afri­can people and the defeat of the system of world imperialism, led by U.S. imperialism; and thereby contributing to the emancipation of all humankind from our history of exploitation and oppression is tes­tament to the serious consistency and commitment of APSP leader­ship and cadre and followers to forge a weapon of liberation. Your experience provides an inspira­tional example for emulation by P.O.P. and forces for black libera­tion and the defeat of imperialism.
In the current situation of imperialist crisis, characterized by intensification of attacks and oppression and exploitation of oppressed people and the inter­national working class: politics of impoverishment and disempow­erment of the masses of the sons and daughters of Africa and our allies and wars for plunder of ma­terial resources and enslavement of our labor, the organization of struggle and resistance is the his­toric task of the day.
You recognize the situation and are rising to the task. We join you in this endeavor. We too are committed to, through struggle, develop the consciousness and organization of our people for day-to-day struggle and ultimate liberation.
We have unity on our particu­lar responsibility, as oppressed daughters and sons of tormented Africa in the belly of the beast that leads world oppression and exploitation to expose, struggle against and defeat “our own” rul­ing class and stand with denigrat­ed black humanity and the peo­ples of the world, who struggle for freedom and full realization of our potential.
We will together oppose the enemies of black people and all creators of wealth, regardless of the color or ethnicity of the ser­vants of imperialism.
We will not let anything dis­tract us from our march to libera­tion. We will judge political actors by their deeds and substance not words and appearances.
Comrades, march on! We march with you on the long road to freedom and justice!
Uhuru Sasa!!! Pamoja Tut­ashinda!!!
MAYOR CHOKWE LUMUMBA, Chairman of the New Afrikan People’s Organization
To all those combating struc­tural racism, classism and impe­rialism:
We, the New Afrikan Peo­ple’s Organization and the Mal­colm X Grassroots Movement, stand in solidarity with the African People’s Socialist Party.
Capitalist Adam Smith’s in­visible hand theory consists of maximizing profits while exploit­ing others. The economic system that governs this country is fun­damentally flawed.
Martyrs of Adam Smith’s con­ceptualization can attest to the fact that a profit over all ideology is counterintuitive to human val­ues.
The African People’s Social­ist Party, founded in the 1970s, continues to be on the front lines for social justice and liberation. Raising the consciousness of the masses is a key step in being vic­torious in this fight for liberation.
This movement has world­wide significance. Imperialism relentlessly permeates our soci­ety. United States foreign policy consists of targeted executions, isolation and fragmentation.
We therefore salute the Afri­can People’s Socialist Party and their commitment to establishing steps towards a liberated African people.
Free the Land!!!


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