A ten-man Emergency Committee comprising members of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) of Sierra Leone and representatives of the African Socialist International (ASI) from Guinea has been announced Friday afternoon in Freetown.
The Committee is the result of a three-day consultative discussion between an eight-man delegation of the African Socialist International (ASI) from Conakry who arrived Saturday night in Freetown and Interim Leadership Committee of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) of Sierra Leone on the political situation of Guinea and its implication for the African Revolution.
The Emergency Committee is tasked with the responsibility of coordinating a joint program of action for the reorganization of the struggle for socialism in Guinea and the constitution of an Interim Committee that will spearhead the development of a revolutionary workers party to provide leadership for the workers struggle for state power in that country.
A delegation of the newly constituted Emergency Committee from Sierra Leone will visit Guinea for a two week tour to further assess the situation and hold broader consultative discussions in Conakry, Kindia, Mamou, Pita, Labe and other parts of the country on the future of the socialist struggle in Guinea as part of its overall mandate.
Comrade Madiou Diallo, ASI’s West Africa Regional Secretary who is leading the Guinea delegation visiting Sierra Leone, says the outcome of the discussion is very encouraging and a major step forward in the reorganization of the struggle for socialism in Guinea and West Africa.
He says the formation of the Emergency Committee marks the beginning of a renewed effort to revitalize the strategic struggle of the workers in Guinea, which he described as very urgent and one that demands the attention of African revolutionaries from across the world.
The Committee on Guinea comprises of four comrades from the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) of Sierra Leone and six others from the ASI in Guinea. Comrade Chernoh Alpha M. Bah was also appointed to coordinate the joint efforts of the Committee and oversee the implementation of the reorganization of the socialist struggle in Guinea.