Sierra Leone organizing trip postponed until January, 2012: There is still time to contribute, donate today!

An open letter to our AAPDEP friends and supporters:

Freedom Greetings!

On behalf of All African People's Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP), I would like to personally thank all of our supporters and members who have made financial contributions toward our upcoming organizing trip to Sierra Leone. We sincerely appreciate what you have given, and recognize it for what it is: as a vote of confidence in AAPDEP’s work to forward genuine African-led development of Africa!

In order for us to have more time to raise the resources and equipment needed to meet all of the goals that have been established for this visit, the departure date has been extended to January, 2012. 

Holiday activities and other fundraisers are being organized by AAPDEP members throughout the U.S. to help us reach our financial goals for this visit, and YOU can be a part of this process as well! If you would like to help organize a fundraiser in your area, or participate in an established fundraising committee, contact Nate Gilliam, Director of Finance & Economic Development at

Donate today! Talk to a friend or family member about us!

January is right around the corner, and I am certain that together we will succeed!

Dr. Aisha Fields,
AAPDEP Director


More information about the Sierra Leone organizing trip can be found here:


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