Police terror against African youth in McKinney, TX!

June is a hot summer month with an average of 90 degree weather in McKinney, Texas – ideal weather for a pool party and barbecue.
That’s what a group of young African teenagers on the Craig Ranch Community had in mind on Friday when they gathered for an afternoon of laughing, swimming, eating and basic relaxing summer time activity.
Instead, the group of Africans was brutally assaulted by McKinney police, as recorded on disturbing video that has since gone viral on social media.
The white neighbors attacked the young Africans before calling the McKinney police for “back up.”
This is a clear example of the way ordinary white people function as an extension of the white colonial State against the oppressed African community in this country.
The horror and violence inflicted by the police on Friday night was unlike anything you would ever see at a pool party in the white community.

White mob and colonial police join forces to attack African youth

Tatiana Rhodes, an African teen and resident of the Craig Ranch community, explained that she was at the pool party with her friends, when a group of adult white residents started hurling anti-African expletives at them.
One of the white residents scoffed at Tatiana, “Black f*cker, that’s why you live in section 8 homes!”
Tatiana and her group of friends defended themselves, insisting it was incorrect of the adults to talk that way to a group of teenagers.
Most of the African teenagers are residents of the community. The white mob of adults, however, continued to verbally abuse them and insisted “you need to go back where you’re from.”
One of the white women hit Tatiana in the face. Another white person joined in the attack.
This portion of the event is not captured on video. There is seven minutes of footage showing the terror provoked by the cops, who the white mob called.
The cops started chasing the black teenagers on arrival.
The white cop Eric Casebolt is seen grabbing the Africans, using a hand grip to get them to the ground and handcuffing them.
“Right now you’re staying, don’t make me f*cking run around here with 30 pounds of goddamn gear on in the sun ’cause you wanna screw around,” yelled the pig as he waved the baton he was sticking in the face of the young African he just handcuffed.
The young Africans were terrified and confused as to how to respond to the attack.
Some of the teens explained they were just there for a pool party and insisted on being freed.
An African person is killed nearly every 28 hours in this country by white people acting as police or vigilantes.
The Africans sat handcuffed, fearing for their lives as they watched the cop continue to berate all of the African attendees.
Casbebolt turned to a group of other teenagers standing nearby, gesturing with his baton, “If ya’ll keep running your mouths you’re gonna go too. Get outta here I already told you. I don’t care. You are leaving now!”
The courageous group of African women stood their ground and refused to turn away as the cops attacked their friends and screamed at them: “GET YOUR ASS GOING. QUIT RUNNING AROUND. MOVE!”
Casebolt, with his gun pulled, proceeded to stalk some of the female teens—some only outfitted in their bathing suits—as they walked away. He grabbed one of the teens, twisted her arm and slammed her to the ground.
Her friends returned to her side to challenge the pig when they noticed the attack.
Casebolt continued to push the young woman, Jahda Bakari, in the head, even pulling her hair until he had her pinned to the ground.
A large white man is seen in the video jumping in to protect the pigs and standing over Jahda as Casebolt assaulted her.
Casebolt yelled in Jahda’s face, “You’re going to jail if you don’t knock it off!” He kept her pinned to the ground, with his knees on top of her exposed back.
He kept her in this prone position until he placed her in handcuffs.
There are at least seven teens sitting either handcuffed or held hostage by fear of being attacked by the cops, by the end of the video.

Latest example of white colonial terror against African people

This latest attack of colonial terror on African people took place in Texas, the part of occupied Mexico where the Indigenous people have to take a dangerous journey to cross a false colonial border.
The land is filled with mass graves of Mexican people who get gunned down by border patrol, as they attempt to return to the land white settlers stole from them in the late 1800s.
An Act Concerning Free Persons of Color enforced by then president of Texas, Mirabeau B. Lamar, in 1840 mandated “all free persons of color were required to leave the state by January 1, 1842, or be sold into slavery.”
Further, any “free person of color” caught entering Texas would be arrested, jailed and put up for public auction if a $1,000 bail wasn’t paid.
This is the same legal system that continues to side with the police when they murder African people.
Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party explains:

“Colonialism is real and concrete. It is a human-made condition that can be struggled against…racism is the ideas in the heads of North Americans: racism is attitudes displayed by North Americans which makes you [whites] dupes, allies and collaborators with your ruling class in its attacks on us [Africans] which reinforces and maintain our colonial relationship to the U.S. North American State (Quotations from Chairman Omali Yeshitela, p.92).”


We demand Black Community Control of the Police!

The police terror in McKinney is further evidence that black people need to struggle for Black Community Control of the Police and black power over our own black lives.
The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations held a national conference in St. Louis, Missouri in April of 2015, to build a movement for Black Community Control of the Police.
Africans from throughout the U.S., including the mothers and siblings of African victims of police murder, voted unanimously to adopt the BIBC’s main resolution on Black Community Control of the Police which states:

“The demand for Black Community Control of the Police is a profound criticism of the U.S. colonial white power State. It is a declaration that the oppressed cannot rely on the oppressor State to function as a disinterested institution capable of serving the interests of the oppressed African community. The demand for Black Community Control of the Police is a democratic demand that recognizes the responsibility of African people to build a movement that has the capture of black State power on the agenda.”

The African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement believe that nothing short of self-determination, self-government and black power to the African community will end the colonial terror we are forced to suffer at the hands of the occupying police forces.”

Justice for the Craig Ranch Teens!

Join InPDUM!

Demand Black Community Control of Police Now!


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