WASHINGTON, DC—On Tuesday, February 25, the lawless regime of Barack Hussein Obama expelled three Venezuelan diplomats from the United States. The diplomats, Marcos Garcia, Ignacio Cajal and Victor Pisani were all given 48 hours to leave the country.
Marcos Garcia has been guest speaker and delivered solidarity statements from the Venezuelan people to the Fifth Congress of the African People's Socialist Party in July 2010. He was a guest speaker at the African Liberation Day conference in Washington, DC and at the Party's Akwaaba Hall in St. Petersburg, Florida both in 2011.
The Party's relationship with Comrade Marcos, as a representative of his government, represented another example of the Party's efforts to internationalize the struggle of African people colonized in the U.S. and throughout the world.
No reason was given for the expulsions. The U.S. as usual cited a selective international law statute they could hide their colonialist intentions behind, claiming the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations gives them that right.
But despite the U.S. control of the international media, the entire world is aware that the U.S. is in violation of international laws all over the planet. This includes where the CIA, through their diplomatic mission in Venezuela, are fomenting violence in efforts at overthrowing the revolution there.
The only diplomacy the U.S. has ever practiced throughout its existence is gunboat diplomacy. That's what having U.S. troops stationed in over 700 locations outside U.S. borders mean—diplomacy by the gun.
APSP Chairman Omali Yeshitela in his Political Report to the Sixth Congress of the African People's Socialist Party warned us of U.S. treachery toward Venezuela and that although the death of Hugo Chavez was a blow to the struggle, that Venezuela represented an anticolonialist trend in South America that will not be denied. He said:
“The death of Hugo Chavez in March 2013 will not change that reality. Proven to have been an extremely important figure in the development of the struggles against imperialism, Chavez was representative of the sea change occurring in the world.
“There is currently an escalation of intrigue and interference in the political situation in Venezuela and the region with the intent to intensify political and social instability that would support and justify U.S. efforts to isolate the Venezuelan government and replace it with a puppet regime.”
The Hun School of Princeton and Harvard graduate Leopoldo Lopez is the U.S. frontman that is leading the right-wing protest in the streets. He descends from old money Venezuelans who have worked for the interest of U.S. imperialism for decades.
Most recently, the U.S. has been successful in overthrowing the government of Kiev in the Ukraine. The Obama regime is wreaking havoc in efforts at regime change in Syria, they have their hands full in Thailand, and they are constantly threatening Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) on a daily basis.
The colonized of the world are rising up, and our victory is on the horizon. Imperialism will be defeated.