Chicago, IL—The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) will host its 22nd annual national conference June 24-26, 2011, at Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church (600 E. 35th Street; Chicago, IL).
The conference, being held in U.S. president Barack Hussein Obama’s “backyard”, exposes for the world to see that an African who has duped the black population in the U.S. and throughout the world—just because he is black—is opposed to just compensation for more than 400 years of slavery and has proved not to be on our side.
The inheritance of poverty is still our legacy, but resistance is more so.
The conference highlights will include a national town hall meeting with emphasis on topics of black and other oppressed peoples’ rights; sovereignty; self-determination and national and international identity.
Glen Ford, executive director of Black Agenda Report and a member of the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations steering committee, will chair and moderate the meeting.
At right: Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African Socialist International, and founder of the African National Reparations Organization which held 12 annual World Tribunals on Reparations and charged the U.S. government with genocide.
Panelists at this historic reparations meeting will include Omali Yeshitela, founder of the African National Reparations Organization and Chairman of the African Socialist International; attorney and N’COBRA co-founder AAdjoa Aiyetoro; Dr. Farid Muhammad of the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities; Baba Hanibal Afrk, former co-chair of N’COBRA; Ahmed Saadig of the Lost Found Nation of Islam and Diane Urban of International Year of People of African Descent.
In addition to the national town hall meeting, workshops will be conducted on healing the traumas of subjugation, genealogy and preparing for reparation resources.
Reports from the trenches also will be made by black farmers and tortured Illinois prisoners.
There also will be reports on the ongoing struggle in Haiti, physical illness and a buy black campaign.
The conference will honor some of our greatest African reparations fighters, including Sister Courage, Dr. Imari Obadele, and the great Queen Mother Audley E. Moore.
We request that all participants attend a pre-conference press conference (June 23 at 10 a.m., Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church).
For additional information and to register go to:, write P.O. Box 53371, Chicago, Il 60653, or call 312-720-0648.