This word was popularized by the Kenyan Land and Freedom Army during their struggle against British Colonialism.
It is a word that caught fire and inspired Africans during the African National Liberation struggles all across the Continent of Africa.
It is the word of greetings used by our Party and the entire Uhuru Movement wherever we are in the world. Uhuru stays on our minds and guides our action every minute of the day.
I bring you warm revolutionary greetings from our Chairman, Omali Yeshitela, the Central Committee, and the membership of the African People’s Socialist Party.
We consider it an honor and privilege to have been invited here to stand in revolutionary unity and solidarity with the heroic people of Venezuela who defended their revolution with an inspiring example of self-determination of a people determined to be free!!! Uhuru!
On April 11th 2002, the people of Venezuela by returning Commandante Hugo Chavez to power exercised their human rights of self-determination and freedom and, as a consequence, soundly defeated the U.S. backed Coup d’detat.
This was a victory for all oppressed people fighting for Uhuru (Freedom) around the world.
The advent of Commandante Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution are fundamental to the current crisis of imperialism, where the oppressed peoples and nations of the world—who constitute the base upon which imperialism rests—are in critical motion to take back our land, sovereignty, and Uhuru (Freedom).
We see the struggle in Venezuela as part of the same struggle of Africans in the U.S., Africa and throughout the world. Like ours, the struggle of the people of Venezuela constitutes the final offensive against imperialism in historical terms.
We, also, recognize that U.S. Imperialism that orchestrated the overthrow of Chavez is the strategic enemy of the people of the world and that its defeat is a necessary condition for the emancipation of the laboring masses of the world.
Today, the struggle of African people is in the process of taking a major leap in the struggle against U.S. and world imperialism with the upcoming Fifth Congress of our Party, scheduled for Washington, D.C. from July 10th through 14th of this year.
This Congress will give strategic direction to our struggle and consolidate our Party presence on almost every continent where African people are oppressed.
It is a Congress that will unify our Party in solidarity with the struggling people of Venezuela and the world.
It is a Congress that will give unified direction to our struggle to defeat imperialism and emancipate the laboring masses of Africa, the U.S. and the world.
As African Internationalist, we see the struggle of the African working class to liberate and unite Africa and African people worldwide as, also, a part of the revolution of the Americas and we send a warm embrace to Companero Hugo Chavez and the people of Venezuela and all of South America.
Long Live the Bolivarian Revolution!
Long Live Commandante Chavez!
Forward to the African Revolution and the Fifth Congress of APSP!