Long Live Sister Edna Yates Lee!

Long Live Sister Edna Yates Lee!

Courageous, dedicated freedom fighter! 

November 9, 1938-February 25, 2005 

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Sister Edna Yates Lee will live on in the memories of those who continue the struggle for freedom for African people.

The members, friends and supporters of the Uhuru Movement joined the family in mourning the death of the late Sister Edna Yates Lee.

Sister Edna had been a member of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) for the past 15 years, and over those years, she became a dedicated and impassioned advocate of freedom and social justice for African people.

Her membership in InPDUM far exceeded the bare requirement of being just a dues paying, card carrying member. She was a committed, active participant. Whether it was holding a picket sign, attending court proceedings, fundraising or manning a literature table, Sister Edna could be counted on.

Sister Edna’s love of family and community was expressed by the life she lived to secure a better world for them. The Bethel Community Baptist Church was filled to capacity by the many people whose lives she touched.

Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and founder and leader of the Uhuru Movement, paid tribute to Sister Edna as he reflected on her ability to sum up tactics and strategies and his reliance on her opinions. He joined other men of the movement as a pallbearer.

Throughout her two-year bout with cancer, Sister Edna endured with dignity, courage, and strength. She fought tirelessly.

Her legacy is the example that she set for all freedom-loving people. She left an indelible imprint on history and will be remembered as a devoted participant in the struggle for Uhuru (freedom)!

Long Live Sister Edna Yates Lee!


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