The International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) condemns the police murders of African people. On Friday and Saturday, August 12-13, we will march through the back streets and estates of the African community under the slogan: Africans Have a Right to Resist!
Four black people have already been killed by police since March and yet the CPS has never prosecuted one police for these crimes against the African community!
The rebellions happening today are a direct result of decades of Brown, Blair, Major, Thatcher and now Cameron. Their policies have been driving African and other poor people deeper into desperate poverty, transforming England's society into a tinder box, while making a minority of profiteers richer and richer.
These conditions are responsible for innocent people losing their homes and small businesses as an unintended consequence.
Africans in the UK, Europe and the USA are subjects of the white colonial state. Africans being stopped and searched, arrested and having DNA taken have nothing to do with solving crime. It is to contain African and other oppressed people to maintain these inequalities.
Join in and spread the demand for an end to police violence and brutality!
On Friday, the march will begin in Peckham Square at 5pm. On Saturday, it will begin at Brixton Ritzy at 3pm.
For more info, call 07723 067 486 or 0208 265 1731. Email or Facebook "InPDUM London".