Letters From Kenya APSP: Build the ASI

On the conference which was held in YMCA in Nairobi, Kenya from 1st March 2010 to 5 March 2010:

First and foremost may I take this opportunity to thank comrases Kefing, Binga, and Sarah and those other comrades, brothers, and sisters who stay abroad, and the comrades who are here with us today in this defining moment of history for having made this forum to be successful.

The knowledge you have given us comrades Keng and Binga has been of the greatest value to us. Because on Earth the greatest treasure has always been knowledge.

To our fellow comrades who will be traveling back to the U.S. tell our fellow African brothers and sisters that we appreciate everything they are doing to bring change in Africa and to us here at home we will not relent in advocating for change in Africa. We will always keep the fire burning for change in Africa alive. There's a saying that east or west, home is the best, and that's Africa.


Alex Ogohha

Letter 2

I want to thank Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Comrades Binga, Kefing, and Sarah and all fellow brothers and sisters who have worked so relentlessly to make the African Socialist International a reality here in Kenya.

I have learned a lot through the training and am equipped to build the African People's Socialist Party here in Kenya and in Africa as a whole, for the future belongs to the African workers and the poor peasants.

Like the words of comrade Binga, "nobody is going to save us but us.” The struggle to unite and liberate Africa begins with you and me.





Comrade Ishmael Okello, Deputy Director of Security, ASI Kenya


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