In the midst of the Black August Rebellions across England, the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) held a meeting in London on August 15, 2011. The participants of that meeting united on these resolutions in defence of all Africans arrested and jailed by the British government for daring to rebel against colonial conditions. The rebellions, which began on August 6, rocked England and signified the ushering in of a new era of struggle. Here are the resolutions voted on and adopted at the InPDUM meeting and subsequently adopted also by the National African People's Parliament (NAPP), a coalition of African forces based in the UK.
The participants have voted for the following resolutions:
1. We resolve to set up a campaign in defence of the victims of repression of the rebellion we call on the community to set up and support a national campaign for the defence of those arrested and jailed by the brutal State repression,
2. We in the black community demand an end to Stop and Search, DNA swabbing and police violence aganist the black community,
3. We call for the immediate disarming of the police in the black community,
4. We demand reparations to the family of Mark Duggan,
5. We demand the naming and revealing of the faces of the team of police who participated in the shooting of Mark Duggan,
6. We call for the suspension of those police involved in the shooting of Mark Duggan,
7. We call for the arrest of the police who fired the bullets that killed Mark Duggan on suspicion of murder,
8. We demand an independent investigation into the murder of Mark Duggan. The IPCC is not independent,
9. We consider the British response to the just rebellion of African people as a collective punishment, which will not solve the problems but aggravate them, and demand that their immediate cancellation;
10. We oppose any Benefit cuts and any eviction from social housing for African convicted of participation in the rebellion,
11. We are calling on non African population, white, Asians and other in this country to unite with our demands to end police containment of the black community, and support instead, a genuine economic development of the black community,
12. We demand that the State reopens all the youth centres already closed and restore all youth services,
13. We demand that the State restore all local authority funding levels. The bankers have stolen billiions and continue to give themselves hefty bonuses at the expense of African people and all other oppressed and poor people in society,
14. We demand that the rich and the corporations pay the appropriate levels of tax instead of scrounging off the African community and other poor and oppressed working people,
15. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all those black people arrested or jailed with no criminal prosecutions! All charges be dropped immediately,
16. We demand the immediate withdrawal of all draconian measures introduced as responses to the rebellions,
17. We resolve to producte a statement to denounce the collaboration of David Lammy and Dianne Abbott with the British colonial repression of the black community,
18. We resolve to update information on what is happening to those already arrested and jailed,
19. We resolve to identify people who have been arrested, organise our own legal advice to assist in the defence of those arrested and jailed,
20. We resolve to construct a petition on line to demand the release of all protesters,
21. We demand an international investigation in the arrest and jailing of Africans in the hands of the British government,
22. We are in solidarity with all oppressed peoples and nations, who are fighting for self determination from imperialism around the world,
23. We demand reparations to the African community in UK.