InPDUM protests the FOP (Fools on Patrol)

PHILADELPHIA—On Sunday, October 28, 2012, the Philadelphia branch of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) gathered in front of the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) to protest the fundraising party they were holding in honor of Jonathan D. Josey, a boot cop who bashed Aida Guzman in her face during a recently held Puerto Rican Day Parade.
During the protest, InPDUM along with Avenging the Ancestor Coalition (ATAC) organizers spoke out against the Philadelphia police department’s violence against the African and Puerto Rican communities.
InPDUM started the chant “FOP Stands For Fools On Patrol, FOP Fools on Patrol FOP Fools on Patrol,” which was accompanied by other groups of people gathered there.
We also chanted "Police Brutality, We Say No! Jonathan Josey’s got to GO!” which really got everyone to join in as we stood on an island in the middle of the street.
The police video recorded and took photos of us as we protested for 6 hours.
We then crossed the street to where we stood face-to-face with the police.
Comrades Kianga and Erica confronted the pigs face-to-face with our bullhorn as we chanted "The FOP is the real enemy, the FOP is the real enemy."
As this took place, the people knew that the police were protecting Josey.
All of the police in attendace to the fundraiser were guilty of supporting police violence against the African, Puerto Rican and other colonized communities.
There were no incidents of police brutality during the protest.
What the African and Puerto Rican communities need to realize is that the police act as an occupying army in both of our communities.
Just as the FOP was united, we should be united with our strategy and demands on a police force that is hostile to all colonized people.
InPDUM stands in total solidarity with the Puerto Rican community in their quest for justice for the brutality against Ms. Adia Gusman and all other victims.
We know that it is in the best interests of Africans and Puerto Ricans to unite against a common enemy.


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