On Saturday, October 30, the One Africa! One Nation! Farmers Market in North St. Louis held its final market of the season, a Halloween Festival, featuring fun activities for the whole family.
There were games including a mummy wrap, exercising for candy, musical chairs, a Halloween hairstyle contest, dancing, costume contests with prizes, culture and community vendors offering food, clothing, books and much more.
Thank you to the sponsors (CLIF Bar, Square, International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement, African People’s Education and Defense Fund, Uhuru Foods & Pies and the Uhuru Solidarity Movement), cultural performers, vendors, volunteers and the community who showed up to participate! We thank you all for making this special event such a success!
Thank you to our volunteer photographers Ari, Ash and KC! See more photos in our Halloween Festival Highlights Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmX8Fqsn
Looking forward to the 2022 market season!
The One Africa! One Nation! Farmers Market will be launching as a weekly market next May, continuing the work to build black economic development and self-reliance in North St Louis!
Make sure to follow the St. Louis One Africa! One Nation! Farmers Market website (OneAfricaMarket.com) and Facebook Page to get the latest updates!
Volunteers make the Gary L. Brooks Community Garden even more beautiful
Earlier this year, the Black Power Blueprint applied for and won a Neighbors Naturescaping grant from Brightside St. Louis.
This fall, the Black Power Blueprint Garden Committee and a big team of volunteers used that grant to create a butterfly garden, plant a maple tree and red tulips around the flagpole and along the pathway which will bloom next spring at the Gary L. Brooks Community Garden!
Our amazing volunteers included students of the John B. Ervin Scholars Program at Washington University in St. Louis and many others.
Saluting all the volunteers: Mr. Gary Brooks, Cristina, Amir, Zondlile, Jeffrey, Abdullah, Ash, Darrian, Amad, Rhya, Tara, Tobias, Mohammed, CoCo, Jordan, Jie, Jaquelyn and Pranav.
Special thanks to Zondlile, the Uhuru N2U Volunteer Brigade Coordinator; InPDUM President Kalambayi; Kitty, the Black Power Blueprint Projects Coordinator, Ash for securing the Brightside grant and Rhya for bringing all the volunteers together.
Volunteers are the heart and soul of the African People’s Education and Defense Fund!
If you would like to volunteer, visit BlackPowerBlueprint.org and click on “Volunteer.”