From Cholera to COVID-19, the import of diseases in Haiti are colonial attacks

Africans holding up signs that read “Long live Haiti without MINUSTAH and Imported Cholera” (Spanish) and “Cholera from U.N.” (Kreyol/English) at a November 18, 2010 mobilization in Haiti’s capital, Port-Au-Prince.

HAITI—2019 marked the end of the colonial ‘cholera’ crisis that plagued Haiti. Haiti faced a reported total of 820,000 cholera cases and just 200 deaths short of 10,000.

Cholera was brought into the country by the United Nations in October 2010, nine months after the devastating earthquake that took the lives of over 300,000 Africans and left more than 1.5 million others homeless.

Cholera never existed in Haiti before October 2010, not even after the rubble of the fallen buildings landed in the rivers and other bodies of water as the colonial media would have people believe.

The truth is that one of Haiti’s most important river systems, the Artibonite River, was purposely infected to deepen the devastation in the country.

The Artibonite River is the longest running river on the island of Ayiti, the land shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic and often referred to by its colonial name “Hispaniola,” at 320 km long, and most of its length lies in Haiti (Kreyol: Ayiti) itself.

The United Nations and its warmongers contaminated the body of water that many Africans in the country rely on to do everyday things like wash clothes, swim and even bathe, with a bacterium that is most easily spread by contaminated foods and water.

Ten years later, after reporting no cholera cases, Haiti now has to deal with another imported disease: the COVID-19 Coronavirus that is making its way around the world.

COVID-19 is an import of death for Africans in Haiti

2020-04-24-haiti-from-cholera-to-COVID-19-02-620x350An African man and woman in Haiti walking through the streets with masks on to prevent COVID-19.

Haiti’s Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP) [Ministry of Public Health and Population] announced on April 16, 2020, that there are now 485 suspected cases of the Coronavirus in the country, of which 43 are confirmed cases.

40 of the 43 cases are considered “active” cases and the remaining 3 have resulted in death.

So far, there are no known or reported recoveries, meaning that COVID-19 in Haiti can be seen as a death sentence.

The MSPP has also reported that 35 of the 43 cases were contracted abroad and only 8 of them were contracted within the country.

As stated in a previous article, the first two COVID-19 cases were brought into Haiti by two people who had been traveling from Belgium and France.

It was extreme negligence on the part of Haiti’s neocolonial leaders to even let the two passengers into the country, especially knowing the high numbers of COVID-19 cases in both of these countries.

It was not until after these cases were introduced into the country did Haiti’s government make the decision to suspend most incoming flights. Flights from the U.S., the puppeteers running the show in Haiti, were still being accepted.

An April 7, 2020 report from Reuters stated that the United States government deported 61 Africans to Haiti despite the obvious threat of spreading COVID-19 there.

They also reported that the deportees “spent months detained in close quarters” before being deported.

That is a possible 61 persons who will further spread the virus!

We are clear that the United States’ government has no concerns for the well-being of African people, in or out of Haiti. We have been attacked by this same government for 600 years now!

In fact, the mere existence of this government is an attack on African people!

The fight against the Coronavirus is a part of the fight against colonialism!

Diseases have been coming into Haiti since 1492, when colonizer Christopher Columbus first landed in the so-called “Americas” and landed on the island of Ayiti.

Columbus brought with him at least 30 diseases including smallpox, influenza, measles, chicken pox, yellow fever, cholera and the greatest one of all being the colonialvirus!

The African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) has understood since the beginning of our existence nearly 49 years ago that colonialism is the root of every single contradiction present in the world!

It is clear to us that both the creation of the Coronavirus and its spread around the world is rooted in colonialism.

Power in the hands of the African poor and working class is the only cure

African people must have the power to take all necessary measures to prevent such diseases that threaten our livelihood from existing.

We must have the power to ensure that its spread is circumvented as early and effectively as possible.

We must also have the power to care for ourselves should any member of our African Nation fall ill, wherever we are located.

Down with the Colonialvirus!

Viv Ayiti!

Join the African People’s Socialist Party!



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