Free Sundiata Acoli

Sundiata Acoli (aka Clark Squire) is an African Freedom fighter who has been incarcerated since 1973. His incarceration stemmed from an armed attack on the vehicle that Black Panther Party members Zayd Malik Shakur, Sundiata, and Assata Shakur were in on the New Jersey Turnpike.
Comrade Zayd was murdered in the attack, while Assata was wounded, and Sundiata managed to escape. Assata was captured and incarcerated in an all male maximum security prison and Sundiata was captured two days later and has languished in a New Jersey prison since then.

He was convicted of the self-defense killing of one of the New Jersey state troopers who attacked their vehicle with guns blazing.

Comrade Sister Assata Shakur was subsequently liberated from prison by armed comrades who went in the dungeon of the oppressor and brought her up out of there. She presently lives in exile in revolutionary Cuba.

Comrade Brother Acoli, who is now 72 years old, has through the years from the sixties, been active in the Black Revolutionary Movement through his writings and his steadfast determination to struggle for the total emancipation of African People colonized in the U.S. and throughout the world. He has been a frequent writer for this column (Whirlwind) and The Burning Spear newspaper.

The African People’s Socialist Party and The Burning Spear newspaper ask that all readers of this column take the petition to your community events and get them signed and the letters sent to the designated U.S. government and state of New Jersey officials.


Take Action

Sign the online petition
then post this link on your websites and social networking pages

Download the petition and collect signatures
Sundiata Acoli petition (PDF 13KB)

Send a letter to the New Jersey Parole Board
Please show your support for the release of Sundiata Acoli by sending a letter to the New Jersey Parole Board. We've made it easy by providing a sample letter below. All you have to do is take a moment and send it in as specified below.

Don't underestimate how important your letters are. We can't let this opportunity to support Sundiata slip by us. Here's a few talking points to get you started:
Letters that are especially useful are
  1. Letters from New Jersey (but letters from EVERYWHERE are great)
  2. Letters offering housing or work to Sundiata (he has both taken care of, but it will be impressive to the parole board to know about all the offers are being made- coming from New York in particular and across the country)
Please mail your lettters to Sundiata Acoli Freedom Committee (SAFC) attorney:
Atty. Florence Morgan
120-46 Queens Blvd., Kew Gardens, NY 11415
It is important we keep a record of the number of letters that are sent and the diversity among supporters of his release. SAFC will make a copy and forward letters to the board.
Feel free to personalize your letters with a brief introduction about who you are/what you do.
Please note also police agencies consistently refer to Sundiata as a domestic terrorist. Letters should also refute this claim by stating he is no threat to public safety but rather a beloved member of the community who is sorely missed. Letters to the parole board MUST refrain from describing Sundiata as a political prisoner. It is also advised letters refrain from admonishing or criticizing the parole board about their review process. 
Sundiata appreciates you! We do too!

If you have any questions, email

Asante Sana! (Many Thanks)
———- Sample letter ———-

Oct. 10, 2009
Chairwoman Volette C. Ross
New Jersey State Parole Board
P.O. Box 862
Trenton NJ 08625
Chairwoman Ross:

I am writing this letter concerning Sundiata Acoli, NJ#54859/Fed# 39794-066, who is eligible for parole February of 2010. I strongly encourage you to grant his parole request.

Sundiata’s age is a strong reason to grant parole. In January 2010, Sundiata will be 73 years old. He has been incarcerated for 36 years and has served his sentence. Elderly prisoners’ recidivism rates are extremely low and they are highly unlikely to commit a crime once released. In addition, elderly prisoners require more intensive medical care to remain healthy, which is an added cost to the prison system.
Sundiata’s prison record has been impeccable. Not only has he not had any violations or write-ups in decades, he is a talented painter, writer and educator. He has worked with high school and college classes across the country, providing information and insight, as well as providing support to other prisoners who want to further their education.

Sundiata himself has a very impressive educational and work background, having worked at NASA in the 1960s as a computer programmer. He left that job to travel to the South to register Blacks to vote during the Civil Rights movement.
Sundiata has expressed remorse for his involvement in the circumstance that has led to his incarceration. I believe with all of my heart that if he is released, he will be an asset to the community, one that is sorely needed.
Sundiata is a father and a grandfather, and his greatest desire is to get to watch his grandchildren grow up. Please help fulfill that desire.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.




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