MINNEAPOLIS–In 2009, Mississippi-born Dorothy Dunning began battling the state of Minnesota for the custody of her two grandchildren.
Over the warp and woof of Dorothy’s struggle, the Minnesota state judiciary, Minnesota child welfare agency, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (D.H.H.S.) have colluded to illegally deny custody of her grandchildren.
The colonial State unlawfully placed the children in foster care and subsequently allowed the children to be adopted by a white family that raises children as a means to derive income. This article is a narrative of the struggle of Dorothy Dunning to attain custody of her grandchildren, whom a white family views as meal-tickets netting them thousands of tax-free dollars monthly.
Across America, child welfare and foster-adoption agencies infamous for their inhumane policies, corruption, bureaucratic ineptitude and racist policies victimize thousands of defenseless African families by using artifice, fraud, and egregious illegal practices to auction off African children like chattel slaves of pre-Civil War era.
The white power State meshed with unbridled greed is the engine of foster-adoption agencies that receive tax-payer-funded incentives from the United States Department of Human Services to ruin Black families by stealing babies from blood kin.
Economically marginalized and troubled African families are targeted by apartheid-like foster care policies crafted and designed to maliciously seize African children pawning them off to racist, careerist, and cash-hungry white foster parents who see African children as sub-human merchandise for their home businesses.
White careerist foster parents view their “children” as no more than “Little African Sambos” with a government check.
These profiteers maximize their subsidy per-child by telling their collaborator foster agencies the children have challenges euphemistically called “special needs”. Further, whites unable to hold a job and/or have racial fetishes reap mountains of cash from the annual $12 billion per state baby- sharecropping-for-dollars sweepstakes.
African Baby Theft
Prior to 1865, white slave dealers sold African babies by the pound or dozen-even to be used as alligator bait.
However, today, while the mothers continue to experience their children stolen from them, it is seen as good business and offering the African children a better life.
For decades, African social workers, psychologists, child welfare advocates, and scholarly researchers have proven these African children fare best with their natural families— regardless of income level—and those lacking an integral familial upbringing are disproportionately ensnared in addiction, criminal activity, deviant lifestyles, incarcerated or institutionalized, homeless, unemployed, or suffer premature death. In otherwords, their level of hardship is higher than the general colonized African population.
Foster care fraud
Dorothy and Lawrence Dunning have been in a horrific 6-year battle for custody of their two grandchildren who were stolen from them through U.S. Government Policies and Programs.
The players in this new ‘Hustle and Flow’ of baby theft for profit include more than the antebellum business exchange which occurred between two slave owners.
A number of culprits are involved in the swindle to steal and separate children from their families. The so-called “child protective service” business is one of the most profitable businesses in the U.S.
The $12 billion foster care budget is distributed amongst state employees and collateral professionals, which include lawyers, court personnel, evaluators, therapists, junk psychologists, residential facilities, fosterparents, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and YMCA’s.
When children are secretly snatched from families, this motley crew is paid with our tax dollars.
In 2009, Mrs. Dunning’s son Princeton informed her of the birth of his baby girl Princess. He and the child’s mother were in a recovery program for substance abuse.
Because of this, the State determined that the parents were not able to maintain custody of the child, nor the expected child the mother was due to have soon.
The mother told Dorothy that Princess was living with her sister in Minneapolis, when in actuality Princess was now captured in the foster care system.
The Dunning family filed for custody of Princess and the unborn child (Dorothy), but the wheels of grand theft had begun spinning.
Both children were illegally placed with the Grossers – careerist foster parents. This family has four biological children and five foster children.
Thirty- three states including Minnesota and Mississippi require social services to conduct due diligence in contacting all family members of a child within 30 days after the removal of the child from the parents.
The system refused to conduct the required kinship searches for Dorothy’s grandchildren. It is a tradition in African cultures for family to care for the elders and the children; therefore, the Dunning family could not envision having to fight for the custody of their grandchildren.
Social services purposely delayed informing the Dunning family about mandatory foster care classes in order to be considered for custody.
In fact, the Minnesota DHHS refused to provide the Dunning family with an emergency foster care certificate. To add fuel to the fire, Dorothy’s sister, a licensed foster care parent could have immediately taken in the children while the Dunnings completed the mandatory foster care classes.
The white social worker who favored the foster family and worked fraudulently against the Dunnings, deliberately withheld information regarding the foster care classes.
These malicious actions enabled the foster family to continue holding the children in illegal captivity. After six months of children being in foster care the natural family’s rights decrease. Consequently, the foster family is bestowed advanced rights.
Destruction through separation
Approximately two years passed before the Dunning family was granted visitation rights with their grandchildren.
The mother of Princess and Dorothy gave birth to another baby boy who was sent to live with the mother’s sister in California because the Grossers were not interested in raising an African male child.
It is important to note here, the sister previously had a child removed by the same agency now placing another child in her care.
Moreover, although the Dunnings were forced to enroll in the foster care classes, the aunt was not forced to do so. Although the Grossers did not want the male child, the Grossers demanded the social worker remove the male child from the aunt’s home and have the child placed in the home of the Grossers’ friend. Eventually, the child was placed with the friend as demanded.
Cribgate: U.S. Government policies and programs made to destroy African families
Let’s go deeper into this debacle. The Child Abuse and Prevention Act (predecessor to Child Protective Services (CPS), promoted by Walter Mondale in 1974, channeled massive amounts of federal funding into state coffers ostensibly to implement programs designed to combat child abuse.
This act led to states creating the immoral “business” of handling the care of children for profit.
Even as the super flaming liberal from Minnesota gave lip service for his concern for children, he was also one of the delegates who refused to seat Fannie Lou Hamer and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1964.
In 1997, Clinton passed the "Adoption and Safe Families Act” which was promoted as a way to help abused children be placed in foster care.
A new monstrous industry arose. Clinton orchestrated this initiative to offer cash bonuses to states for every child adopted out of foster care, with the ghastly goal of doubling their adoptions by 2002 and sustaining that for each subsequent year.
These adoption incentive bonuses are used to promote the adoption of children through foster care versus placing the children with family.
Each state is given a baseline number of expected adoptions based on population. For every child DHHS can have adopted, there is a bonus of at least $4,000 -$6,000.
The bonuses are multiplied by the percentage the state has managed to exceed its baseline adoption number; and the states must maintain this increase each successive year. And of course we can see how Bill Clinton treated the African children of Haiti.
The Grossers, who pimped the cribgate scam to enrich themselves, hired an ethically challenged lawyer who should have recused himself. This lawyer is also the president of the adoption board.
Each state grants foster families subsidies. Foster care parents are given tax free negotiable money for food, clothes and other negotiable items and can negotiate home improvements/additions to the home based on the foster parents’ wishes.
With the Grossers being white and having African foster children, additional money is allocated because children of a different ancestry are declared ‘special needs’. Without having any behavioral or physical problems, children can be declared ‘special needs’ based on a range of reasons.
The Grossers claimed, without any proven documentation, the children also have behavioral problems, which would increase the amount of the subsidies.
In the state of Minnesota, foster families can receive approximately $3,000 a month per ‘special needs’ child. The Grossers are receiving, at minimum, $15,000 a month for their five foster children.
The Dunning family, with a clean background and six-figure income, offered to waive receiving any state subsides.
Tax payer’s dollars are paying for the theft of children and home improvements for foster care parents to expand their homes based on the number of stolen children.
The more effort the Dunning family put into securing custody of their grandchildren, the harder the foster family fought to ensure the government subsidies would be reduced.
In fact, Mrs. Grosser, according to a reliable source, avowed that if Mrs. Dunning continued the custody battle, she would burn the house to the ground with everyone in it.
State captivity of African children
After spending $75,000 of their savings fighting for custody, the Dunning family is prohibited from having any contact with their grandchildren. The fight continues despite how DHHS and the foster care system circumvented laws in favor of family members.
Like the criminal justice system has morphed into privatized businesses, the foster care system cares nothing of keeping children with blood relatives. Courts now rule that “race” is not a factor when considering children being with family.
Culture may have some weight; but who cares when you can destroy African culture by separating the children from family, generating massive amounts of revenue through inhumane, malicious machinations.
But actually, Americans have been in the business of selling Africans for a very long time.
Free Princess and Dorothy from state captivity!
How can you help?
Contact Governor Mark Dayton and Lt. Governor Tina Smith with letters of support for Mother Dunning’s grandchildren to be returned to her. Please forwarded a copy of your letters to Uhuru News. Write to:
Office of the Governor & Lt Governor
116 Veterans Service Building
20 W 12th Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
And/or call the governor’s office
Telephone: 651-201-3400 /Toll Free: 800-657-3717 /Minnesota Relay: 800-627-3529 /Fax: 651-797-1850
The below link is a story where 6 year old "foster child" Andrea Johnson, who had been stolen from her family, was found dead with a rope around her neck in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.