Africans from throughout the world are preparing to be in St. Petersburg, Florida USA to participate in the Party’s Sixth Congress for the five days of December 7-11, 2013.
The work to build the Sixth Party Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party is advancing full speed ahead. The Congress is the place where the most important decisions of the Party are made with the full democratic participation of Party members or their representatives.
Held every three years, the Party Congress affords the membership an opportunity to use its power to elect the leaders of the Party and to vote on the Main Resolution in the form of the Political Report by the Chairman.
The five-day Congress will occur under the slogan: One Africa! One Nation! One Party—African Internationalism leads the way!
This slogan helps to establish the task of the Party to complete the process of uniting the African nation—pursued historically by people like Marcus Garvey and Kwame Nkrumah—under the leadership of a single, worldwide political Party of the revolutionary African working class.
We are also reminded by the slogan of the need to establish the ideological direction of our struggle, without which our movement is adrift, without long-term direction and subject to the inevitable opportunism that always stems from spontaneity, where the objective of the struggle is the event of the moment.
This is especially important at this time when remnants of Pan Africanism, a middle class concept that was prevalent during a period of the 1960s, continues to have some influence and obscures the class contradictions in Africa and the collaboration by some petty bourgeois Africans with the enemies of African liberation and unification.
We are determined that real independence for Africa will happen this time, an independence that will rescue Africa from imperialist domination and result in social transformation that benefits the workers, peasants and toiling masses that have always been responsible for our political victories without ever benefiting from those victories.