Elections in Occupied Azania (South Africa) leave the people still colonized, oppressed and exploited

OCCUPIED AZANIA––These recent elections held on August 3, 2016 for all district, metropolitan and local municipalities in all nine local provinces in Occupied Azania (South Africa) have confirmed the African National Congress’ (ANC) decline which was noticeable in the last 2014 parliamentary elections. 

This time the ANC received 53.9 percent of the national votes. This is the first time that the ANC has secured below 60 percent.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) received 26.8 percent of the votes and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) received 8.2 percent.

This means that the ANC in certain cities and towns will have to share power with EFF or any other organization.

If you calculate the number of people who voted in favor of other parties and those who abstained, it is revealed that 69 percent of the electorate did not vote for the ANC. 

They suffered bigger losses in key cities: “The party lost control of Port Elizabeth, where the opposition Democratic Alliance was leading on Friday morning with 47 percent of the vote to the ANC’s 41 percent.”

The ANC of Jacob Zuma, Thabo Bheki and Nelson Mandela played their last historical role when, in 1994, they organized alongside the white rulers, the peaceful transfer of the administrative colonial power from white settler colonial rulers to the African petty bourgeoisie. 

That was the formal surrender of the African petty bourgeoisie to white power. Since they came to power in 1994, their job has been to manage the colonial economy of Occupied Azania on the behalf of white settler’s bourgeoisie and white bourgeoisie in Europe and in the U.S.

Whilst the African petty bourgeoisie turned their backs on the well being and material needs of our people, their appetite for personal enrichment increased tenfold. The vote we casted for them meant legal access to national wealth at the expense of African workers who created it in the first place. 

The job of the ANC, Congress Of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the South African Communist Party (SACP) has been to make neocolonialism profitable. To make white power in black face marketable, they provide a black face to the board of directors of mining companies, black official in national and provincial parliament or in local council, black chiefs of police to oppress African workers, etc.

Emergence of young black leaders and new organizations will not end status quo, only revolution will

After nearly 22 years, the masses of African workers can see for themselves that the ANC is not in power to transform the social and economic conditions of the people but maintain settler domination over us workers through neocolonialism. 

But the settler population has been the main beneficiaries of 22 years of ANC rule since they not only maintained control of the land, but they have also grown richer than under Apartheid. 

Since its founding in 1972, the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) never had faith in the ANC; we did not wait for them to come to power. 

Our philosophy of African Internationalism informed us that the ANC is the organization of the African petty bourgeoisie, an opportunist social force which was destined to sell out the masses of African workers in Azania. 

The ANC’s demise is not that it has abandoned the way or values of Nelson Mandela. This is nonsense.

The ANC before, during and after Mandela has always been the organization of the minority African petty bourgeoisie, fighting for a petty bourgeois conclusion at the expense of the workers.

White imperialist power worked hard in the nineties to ensure that imperialism will be secured whenever ANC came to power in Azania.

Mmusi Maimane, the new white power in black face leader of the Democratic Alliance, and the Economic Freedom Fighter’s Julius Malema are the winners of these local elections as their respective parties increased their votes.

Mmusi Maimane uses Steve Biko’s quote out of its context to deflect us from the real issue, “The most powerful weapon of the oppressor is the mindset of the oppressed, where we stop believing black people are capable.” (ft.com)

Biko was murdered in 1977 by the white settlers who gave Maimane the job of the leader of the Democratic Alliance. He is a willing servant of the white oppressors. We already know what the African petty bourgeoisie can do: maintain the status quo.

We want to know what the African working class is capable of doing. This question will never be fully answered until we have an independent African working class revolutionary Party, informed with the most advanced revolutionary theory and connected with the whole African national liberation struggle in the pursuit of a black power State.

Thabo Mbeki’s meeting with Julius Malema and the EFF

In 2009, Malema united with Zuma against Mbeki when the latter became unpopular.

In August, before this recent election, he united with Mbeki against Zuma when the latter became unpopular too. 

Zuma and Mbeki are proven and tested servants of white power in black face in Occupied Azania. It seems to me that Malema’s meeting with Mbeki was a message to the supporters of Mbeki that they can count on Malema to secure their future under the current neocolonial system of Azania, since Mbeki’s solution excludes African revolution. 

Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters and Maimane’s Democratic Alliance are both critics of the ANC. Malema claims that ANC has deviated from the 1955 Freedom Charter, whilst DA believes that they will implement market economic principles better than the ANC.

The fundamental question in Azania is not so much to fight the ANC’s corruption for drifting away from the Freedom Charter principles or insufficient application of market principles, but to provide a viable alternative to parasitic capitalist system.

According to South Africa’s Sunday Times “Top ANC leaders have defied Jacob Zuma and set out to woo arch-enemy Julius Malema into a coalition deal that will keep the party in power in South Africa’s top metros.”

It does not matter which organization goes to a coalition with the ANC in certain municipalities in Azania. 

The program that will be implemented can only speak to the African working class if they are organized as an independent force from the African petty bourgeoisie, armed with a revolutionary program and leading our own struggle. 

The days to be led by the African petty bourgeoisie are over.

“The legitimacy of the EFF or any organization in the African nation today is not based on how many votes are won in bourgeois elections like the May 7, 2014 election in Occupied Azania.

“Instead, it is unity and practice with the building of the ASI and the calling for a worldwide African revolution under the leadership of the African working class.” (The Burning Spear, June, 2014.)

Build the African People’s Socialist Party – Azania!

Build the African Socialist International! 

Down with ANC neocolonialism!



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