Defend and support San Diego InPDUM activist Kwame Amogou!!! He must be set free!!!

Call Judge Stephanie Sontag! Demand Kwame’s Freedom!


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SAN DIEGO—On Wednesday, November 6, 2013, Kwame Amogou is scheduled for a pre-trial hearing in Chula Vista County Criminal Court. Kwame has been wrongfully charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The charges stem from an altercation between Kwame and a white man named Daniel Crain in the San Diego, California suburb of San Ysidro.

On October 11, 2013, Kwame who had come into a local McDonald's Restaurant was confronted and physically assulted by Crain, a man considered by many to be a staunch white nationalist who has no respect for African people.

But Kwame—a member of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM), an international black power organization whose main slogan is “Africans have a right to resist,”—did just that.

When physically confronted by Crain, Kwame immediately defended himself and rendered Crain non-threat. As a result, Crain was afforded immediate medical attention, while Kwame who has a history of medical problems was taken to jail and refused medical care.

San Ysidro is the last border town that separates the U.S. from Tijuana, Mexico and in fact like all of California, is only part of the lands stolen from the Indigenous and Mexican people by white settler U.S. citizens who came from Europe to the Americas for the express purpose of stealing land and killing the people who were already here.

Now, today in 2013, Kwame Amogou, whose people were forcibly brought to these shores and made into chattel slaves and “Afro-Americans,” is being forced to appear in a hostile courtroom to stand trial for “assaulting” a white man. This is an offense that has always been against the legal and quasi-legal tenets of white power colonialism.

The “common law” in the U.S. is clear. An African does not have the right to defend herself/himself if their attacker is a white man or white woman. This is just the unofficial common law understood by the whole U.S. population.

A few years back, Kwame would have never made it to a courtroom for hitting a white man back who had attacked him. The lynch mobs, the sheriffs and the police would have assured that white power justice would prevail and be imposed.

Kwame stood up against a tradition and system where “nigger-knocking” has long been a “national past time.” Had Kwame not resisted, he could have easily been another Trayvon Martin or Oscar Grant or Emmet Till. It is right for the African to resist all forms of colonial violence—from both the occupation police forces and the white nationalist citizenry like Crain and George Zimmerman.

We will build a campaign to free Kwame! Here is what we want you to do right now:

Kwame will have a pre-trial hearing on Wednesday, November 6.

Call in to the Judge:

Judge Stephanie Sontag

Phone: Her clerk is C. TARAS

619-746-6016 (courtroom)

Demand the charges be dropped immediately.

Forward to the 6th Congress of the African People's Socialist Party!


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