
InPDUM Publicly Summons Philadelphia Mayor to Appear at December 13 Tribunal for Reparations to African People!

Philadelphia , PA – On Wednesday, December 10, an International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement contingent intervened in a townhall meeting that was organized by...

Largest socialist conference in Sierra Leone since 1930s establishes ASI West Africa Regional Committee

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — The first West Africa Regional Conference of the African Socialist International (ASI), held in Freetown, Sierra Leone from October 20-22,...

Reparations Now – Week of Action

The Reparations Committee at the University of Toronto was founded by the African Internationalist Student Organization and the United Black Students at Ryerson University...

Forward the Revolutionary African National Democratic Struggle

By Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party The following is a political report presented by APSP Chairman, Omali Yeshitela, to the convention...

Barack Obama Presidency: America’s Great Deception

Officers Contact Calendar Photos Links A Regional Perspective on Afro-descendant Quality of Life UN Sub-Commission Conference Room Paper Document...

Human Rights and Reparations

Officers Contact Calendar Photos Links A Regional Perspective on Afro-descendant Quality of Life UN Sub-Commission Conference Room Paper Document...

Police take murder victim’s brother from middle school class to intimidate

ST. PETERSBURG, FL — On Tuesday, September 3, just three months after witnessing his 17-year-old brother’s murder by St. Petersburg cop and battle scarred,...

Florida governor, local NAACP unite with Uhuru against state attorney’s “investigation” of police murder

ST. PETERSBURG, FL — In an August 15 press conference — two days after Florida Governor Charlie Crist called for a review of an...

Africans set International Reparations Tribunal to happen during G-8 Summit

BERLIN — On August 6 and 7, Africans from various parts of the world came together in a conference in Germany and set June...