I believe we can say that we indicted Bill Cosby years ago: When he was denouncing African young people and beloved by white people and white power because of it; when he was denouncing other African comedians because they offended the sensibilities of white people and polite negro company; when he created the false, highly-influential tv show of an affluent negro family whose lifestyle and aspirations were by comparison a denunciation of the African working class.
We indicted Cosby because, like Obama and a host of other high profile respectable negroes, he is a traitor to the African nation, most of whom are working people, women and men.
Now, Cosby has outlived his usefulness and the blackness that he so successfully used against us as a career builder is being used against us again. The fact is that while Cosby has been indicted it is African men who are really in the docks — again.
Cosby is being accused of drugging and raping more than 50 mostly-white women. Is he guilty? The media and white opinion makers are nearly unanimous in claiming that he is. Certainly anyone who has committed the kinds of offenses against his own people as Cosby is capable of doing much worse.
However, the white power colonial court system is incapable of bringing justice to this case — either to Cosby or the women, especially African, he is accused of raping.
We are being schooled daily by the media that the prosecutor will have a great chance of convicting Cosby because of Pennslvania law that will allow the introduction of testimony of women who claim similar treatment by Cosby as the woman in the center of the criminal complaint he is to be tried for.
Hmmm. Fifty-four women represent a lot of corroborating evidence. Certainly that ought to get him convicted.
However, even if every woman testifying is telling the truth and it does get Cosby convicted Africans, of all people, cannot claim justice was done.
While 54 women would represent compelling testimony against Cosby, the millions of witnesses to the murder of Eric Garner, choked to death by New York police in Long Island, or to the murder of 12-year-old Tamir Rice by police in Cleveland or the damning testimony by Darion Johnson in the murder of Mike Brown cannot be considered any less compelling. However, they were all inconsequential when it came to the U.S. justice system representing the interests of African people.
The simple reason is because the entire justice system — the killer occupational police forces stalking black game throughout the community, the district attorneys, grand juries, supreme court, etc., are all instruments of colonial national oppression, all the time.
Cosby, himself was a willing instrument of our national oppression and the darling of the white ruling class and its media, none of which gave a damn about the women he is claimed to have raped — black or white! This is why the claims about his behavior could survive for the many years without any charges being filed agains him. Cosby was more useful to them as a spokesman against the African working class than the virtuous white women who fell victim to his intoxicating cocktails.
Now, in the face of the growing consciousness of African people being disruptively displayed daily in the streets of the U.S. and the growing social and political polarization stemming, in part from the militancy of African people, Cosby can become a new poster child for black criminality, joining the young African working class young men Cosby himself helped to demonize.
Now, Cosby can be used to unify white opinion as well as some Africans with the notion of African criminality be kept in check and to redeem the image of the murderous colonial police occupation forces and entire judicial system.
Whatever, any one opinion about the guilt or innocence of Cosby in these charges, one thing is certain: the U.S. colonial justice system is anything but innocent and its intent in this case is not to rescue the dignity and credibility of wronged women, but to legitimize itself, winning approval for itself during a time when the whole white power system is reeling from the demonstrable disapproval by the masses of African people.
Let us stand by our own indictment of Cosby and condemnation of his crimes against our people, crimes he committed in full view of the white colonial population, including women.
What matters most is black power and the struggle to get it. When it is attained Cosby, along with Darren Wilson who murdered Mike Brown and a host of other criminals who oppress and exploit our people will know real justice, the justice of black people in power determining our own offenses and offenders.
Black power matters!