APSP Political Report breaks mold of revolutionary thought!

The Political Report to the Sixth Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party by Chairman Omali Yeshitela boldly breaks the mold of revolutionary political thought in our time.

As the crisis of imperialism deepens daily this report ushers in a new era of struggle guided by the worldview of the African working class.

Representing the highest expression of African Internationalism, the groundbreaking 260-page report equips Africans and all struggling peoples to not only understand the world but to change it.

This treatise is the scientific culmination of the Party’s 41 years of tireless anti-colonial practice to forward the liberation and unification of Africa and African people everywhere led by the African working class.

Currently being studied by hundreds of people around the globe, this document explains how the world got to be the way it is and lays out the Party’s long-tested strategy for African revolution. The Chairman proves that capitalism is a parasitic system, born on a pedestal of the enslavement of African people and Europe’s colonial assault on the majority of humanity.

The Chairman scientifically exposes the critical errors in the theory and worldview of Karl Marx and shows that the weak link of imperialism is not the white working class but the anti-colonial struggles of African and oppressed workers located inside capitalism’s pedestal.

The political report answers the most critical questions of our time, including many issues left unresolved since the U.S. government’s defeat of the Black Revolution of the 1960s.

One of the most outstanding sections of the political report is the Chairman’s exhaustive examination of the question of the African nation and his definition of the features of the African national identity and sense of sameness around the world.

In addition, the Chairman exposes that the movement of African people—like all colonized peoples everywhere—is a struggle against colonialism, not against racism, which the Chairman describes as a “self-defeating waste of time.”

Other major questions taken on in the report include the relationship of white people to the liberation of African people; the issue of “race to class,” a study of the crisis of imperialism; the social forces behind the rise of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement of the 1960s; the U.S. government’s counterinsurgency against the African Revolution; and the political and practical history of the African People’s Socialist Party and its significance in the world today.

The Political Report to the Sixth Congress will provide the defining worldview and analysis for African and world revolutionaries for generations to come!

Chairman Omali Yeshitela will present the political report to the Sixth Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party in St. Petersburg, FL Dec. 7-11 where it will be adopted by the members of the Party.

Be part of history in the making. Register now for the Sixth Congress of the African People’s Socialist Party!

“One Africa! One Nation! One Party! African Workers and Peasants of the World Unite!”



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