ALERT: Chernoh Bah attempts to have Sierra Leone police arrest Uhuru Movement organizers!

UPDATE: We recieved the below communication from comrade Fenty Tholley subsequent to the publishing of this article:

Uhuru Comrades,
I, Fenty, am just from the criminal investigation department (CID) of Freetown Sierra Leone concerning the report Chernoh made against me and two other comrades, that is Issa and Lalas. He went with two police officers into our houses for the invitation to the CID headquarters.
One hour ago, I was from the CID head of crime management, one Alfred Karon Kamara.
We are to report again tomorrow the 6th June, 2012 at about 1pm. He is presently using our resources to fight us. Our resources are limited be informed. Attached is the police invitation letter from CID.

On Tuesday, June 5, 2012, International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) leaders in Sierra Leone Fenty P. Tholley, Issa A R Kamara and comrade Lalas each received a summons from the Central Investigation Department (CID) of the Freetown Police Department to come in for questioning regarding allegations that they have made threats on a cell phone call.

This summons was initiated by none other than Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, neocolonial politician who was formerly a member of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP) in Sierra Leone before being exposed as a thief and an opportunist of the highest order. In late May 2012, the APSP issued a detailed statement exposing the crimes that Chernoh has committed against the people and the Revolution. style=”width:350x;” />

Chernoh Alpha M. Bah came with police to the homes of schoolteacher and Uhuru Movement organizer Fenty Tholley and two other comrades accusing them of having threatened him by phone. Here you see the notice from police demanding that Fenty appear at the police station.

Chernoh called the police on InPDUM organizers in Sierra Leone, claiming that they made threats against him on a cell phone call. He then went with the police to the homes of all three comrades as he watched them serve the summons, or police letters of invitation.

Never have any InPDUM or APSP-led forces made violent or subjective attacks or threats against Chernoh.

What we have done (and will continue to do) is exposed Chernoh as an opportunist neocolonial politician who will stop at nothing to advance his own selfish interests. One can read the Party’s recent exposure of Chernoh in this link:

Comrades Fenty, Issa and Lalas have been struggling on the ground in Sierra Leone, as members of the African People’s Socialist Party that were betrayed by Chernoh’s treachery, to educate the people as to what type of force Chernoh is — especially in light of the fact that he is running for parliament on a political program that was stolen from the Party.

These comrades and others have been calling into radio shows to intervene any time Chernoh attempts to do an interview. They were also the ones responsible for tracking down the Uhuru Radio transmitter that Chernoh used for collateral to get money for himself.

Fenty, Issa and Lalas are honorable comrades who have assumed responsibility for leading the struggle for Black Power and socialism in Sierra Leone. They have understood the task to expose Chernoh Bah and retrieve the resources he has stolen from the people as part of that struggle.

Comrade Issa, the president of InPDUM Sierra Leone is a marine mechanical engineer. Comrade Fenty teaches at a grade school. Comrade Lalas, a rank and file member of InPDUM Sierra Leone, is a laborer currently working on a water purification project.

The phone call that Chernoh has used as justification to call the Sierra Leone police on our comrades was made by Fenty and others to simply reinforce the struggle that the Party has been making with Chernoh to return the resources that he has stolen.

Knowing that the APSP, as a Party of revolutionary principle, would never consciously collaborate with the State against another African, Chernoh has himself called in the State to use as an instrument of attack against the Movement.

The depth of Chernoh's opportunism has been exposed in these recent efforts to prompt the neocolonial Sierra Leone State to arrest and detain Uhuru Movement forces there.

InPDUM and the African Socialist International (ASI) are calling on our comrades, friends and allies to be on alert as the situation with comrades Fenty, Issa and Lalas unfolds. As this article goes to press comrade Fenty is sitting in the Freetown police station undergoing an interview that could possibly result in his arrest. Comrades Issa and Lalas are scheduled to go in to the police station on Wed, June 6 at 1:30pm.

ASI forces and all ASI-led organizations (InPDUM, AAPDEP, APSC) should be on alert and on call, prepared to participate in an international call in campaign and series of mobilizations to defend the Freetown 3!

Chernoh's most recent attack on the Uhuru Movement is evidence that he has no legitimate response to the criticisms and exposure that the Party has raised against him. Instead of engaging in a principled struggle around the criticisms raised by the Party, Chernoh has called the police on InPDUM forces.

Moreover, InPDUM has received a report from a reliable source in Sierra Leone that Chernoh has bribed the police who he brought to the homes of the three comrades and that his bribe was intended to also result in their arrest.

Chernoh's cooperation with the police against the Movement is consistent with the stance he has taken for the duration of his campaign for parliament, in which he has openly called for the imperialist-controlled UN military to occupy Sierra Leone during the upcoming elections for the purpose of protecting the "investors."

Through this objective evidence and history there is no other way to characterize Chernoh but as a neocolonial agent of imperialism who will stop at nothing to forward his own selfish individual interests.


Call the Sierra Leone Embassy in your country and demand an immediate end to the police harassment and criminalization of Fenty P. Tholley, Issa A R Kamara and comrade Lalas, as being supervised by head of crime management Alfred Karon Kamara.

Specify that you are calling to protest the fabricated charges of these three men by Chernoh Bah. State that you are aware that the police investigation is motivated by bribery by Chernoh Bah and not any concrete evidence or probable cause. Let them know that the world is watching and that the Sierra Leone government cannot afford to be caught up in an international scandal like that which is bound to erupt should they move forward with this attack on our forces.

Sierra Leone U.S. Embassy – (202) 939-9261

Sierra Leone UK Embassy – 0044 (0) 207 404 0140

Sierra Leone France Embassy – +33 (0)1 42 56 14 73

Sierra Leone Germany Embassy – +49 30 7720 5850

Sierra Leone Belgium Embassy – 02/771.00.53

Call the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Freetown, Sierra Leone headquarters and state the same. 011 232 030 201283

Stay tuned for updates. Also, on Saturday, June 9 at 2PM EST InPDUM will broadcast a special episode of African Resistance Now (on through which more details on the struggle against Chernoh Bah will be shared.


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