African worker shoots and kill colonial bosses in Connecticut

MANCHESTER, Conn – On Tuesday, August 3, 34-year-old African truck driver, Omar Thornton, shot eight of his white co-workers and bosses to death while wounding two others at a family owned Liquor Distributorship in Manchester, Connecticut. He used two 9mm pistols. Another weapon, a shot gun, was found in his car.

Brother Omar even shot and killed Bryan Cirigliano, president of Teamsters 1035, who was suppose to have been representing Omar at a hearing where the company fired Omar only moments before shots rang out inside the company’s offices.

Cirigliano’s role was apparently equal to that of a Public Defender or State Appointed Lawyer in criminal proceedings against colonial subjects. They are “yes men” filling out legal obligations.

In the end, Brother Omar took his own life, they say. And, if this is the case, he was not to give the Colonial police or the Colonialist court the opportunity to legally murder him by bullet or death chamber.

The idea that he could have escaped was apparently not included in his justice seeking plans, although it should have been.

According to reports, Brother Omar called his mother after shooting his predetermined antagonists, telling her, “I shot the racists that were bothering me.”

For months, Omar Thornton had complained to his woman friend of racist treatment at the company; from not receiving a pay raise to promotions. From racist threatening, graffiti portraying a lynched black man, to drawings on the wall that said they hated black people with Thornton’s name on it.

The company, Hartford Distributors, had also for the past two weeks had a private detective agency following Brother Omar around as he made his deliveries and after he had clocked out. They say it took them two weeks to get evidence that he had stolen some beer. Even with that, they have not said how much beer he is accused of stealing. Was it a bottle of beer, two bottles?
Nor have they released the video they say the detective agency took of Brother Omar appropriating beer. And if he was caught getting beer, he was only getting compensated for stolen black labor.

According to the white ruling class media outlet, Associated Press of August 5, which appeared in the Houston Chronicle, “Friends and Family of those who died said they couldn’t imagine their loved ones doing what Thornton said, and the company and union said Thornton never reported any harassment.”

Well, as someone from Alcoholics Anonymous would say to an alcoholic who refuse to believe they have an addiction: you are in denial. By the same token, there are very few colonials who admit they are anti-black racist.

They both reap material rewards; the alcoholic more whiskey, wine,and beer. And the colonial, more vacations, more cars, and more luxury homes, and the convenience of not going to prison, no matter what crimes they commit. They have the luxury of not being shot down in the streets and in their homes by the different U.S. police agencies.

We believe that white cop Johannes Merhserle’s family believes, even after viewing the video where he shot and killed 22-year old Oscar Grant on an Oakland, California train station platform, that he is a good son, a good father, and just an adorable child.

But the fact is he has a colonial relationship to the African community and this is what police do to black people.

Likewise, this is how the African is treated by the bosses, the unions and fellow white workers. And it seems that Brother Omar reported his inhumane treatment to the appropriate people in the appropriate manner.



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