Ntokozo Qwabe, an African from Occupied Azania (South Africa), was recently able to perform an extraordinary feat.
He was able to make white tears fall from all over the world. How did Ntokozo do this?
Did he attack white people inside of their church while they prayed peacefully?
Did he kill over 60 million white people and take back stolen resources?
No, no––Ntokozo did much worse than that. He refused to give a white waitress a tip.
On May 2, 2016, Ntokozo and friends went to eat at a restaurant in Cape Town, Azania. Afterwards, he tells the story:
“…(W)e are out at Obz Cafe…and the time for the bill comes. Our waitress is a white woman. I ask (my fellow activist) what the going rate for tips/gratuity is in these shores. They look at me reluctantly and they say ‘give me the slip, I’ll sort that out’. I give them the slip.
They take a pen & slip in a note where the gratuity/tip amount is supposed to be entered. The note reads in bold: “WE WILL GIVE TIP WHEN YOU RETURN THE LAND”. The waitress comes to us with a card machine for the bill to be sorted out. She sees the note & starts shaking. She leaves us & bursts into typical white tears (like why are you crying when all we’ve done is make a kind request? lol!).”
Ntokozo continues: “The part where we take up arms hasn’t even come and y’all are already out here drowning us in your white tears? Really white people…
Moral of the story: the time has come when no white person will be absolved. We are tired of ‘not all white people’ and all other bulls***. We are here and we want the stolen land back.”
White tears are profitable
Ntokozo made a white girl cry, and for that she was paid dearly––over $6,800 at last count. White people created a Go Fund Me page and raised funds for the white girl, Ashleigh Schultz, within a matter of hours.
While it is sickening, it is not surprising that a white girl’s tears are worth more than millions of dead Africans.
White people around the world can become distraught when a fellow waitress is slighted on a tip, however, they have never said anything about the millions of Africans slighted out of their land and killed under the leadership of Cecil Rhodes, who is a former prime minister of Azania.
Who was Cecil Rhodes?
Excerpt from The Burning Spear article:
“For much of the bourgeois press, Cecil John Rhodes represented the height of British imperialist white power; on one hand, unlimited plunder and theft of African land, labor and resources and on the other, murder of African people on an industrial scale.”
Cecil Rhodes made the following comments, as cited in Chapter 6 of Lenin’s book on imperialism:
“I was in the East End of London (a working-class quarter) yesterday and attended a meeting of the unemployed. I listened to the wild speeches, which were just a cry for “Bread! Bread!” and on my way home I pondered over the scene and I became more than ever convinced of the importance of imperialism…My cherished idea is a solution for the social problem, i.e., in order to save the 40,000,000 inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, we colonial statesmen must acquire new lands to settle the surplus population, to provide new markets for the goods produced in the factories and mines. The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists.”
Revolution is the worldwide theme
Ntokozo was one of the activists that participated in the “Rhodes Must Fall” in which students at University of Cape Town toppled Rhodes monument.
Africans worldwide are tired of supporting parasitic capitalism. We have no problem facing our oppressor and demanding our resources back.
The African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) has always demanded that Africans have a right to build and have our own.
Point 1 of the APSP’s 14-point platform states: We want peace, dignity, and the right to build a prosperous life through our own labor and in our own interests.
Ntokozo is correct, white people in Occupied Azania should immediately return the land that they stole back to Africans.
There is no escaping the inevitable revolution. White people can either peacefully give back what is not theirs or wait until Africans and oppressed people worldwide take back what is ours.
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