WASHINGTON, D.C.–We are excited to announce the newest members of our International Executive Committee, Aja Zola (Houston, TX) and Hadyah El (Philadelphia, PA). Both sisters joined AAPDEP as members, engaged in on-the-ground organizing as well as helping to build Zenzele Consignment, AAPDEP's economic initiative.
Their willingness to take on bolder responsibility in AAPDEP, which is a 100% volunteer organization, shows tremendous commitment to our goals and objectives and to the masses of African people around the world.
We look forward to their enthusiasm and contributions to this work.
Special Note: We thank Jaleel Nash for his previous leadership as Membership Coordinator, he has transitioned to the position of Agricultural Director, which is more in line with his skill set. Jaleel has a degree in Forestry and Agriculture from Alabama A&M University.
For more information about AAPDEP visit www.developmentforafrica.org