AAPDEP 5th Ward Community Garden marks 5th consecutive year of planting!

HOUSTON, TX—Six new raised garden beds were constructed over the February 15 and 16 week­end by All African People’s Devel­opment and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) members and support­ers here in Houston, Texas.
This year marks the fifth con­secutive year that AAPDEP has successfully planted the communi­ty garden which is increasingly be­coming an institution in traditionally African working class Fifth Ward. The first planting was in April 2010.
The six new raised beds are all four feet wide and eight feet long. They are 10 inches high. All are bottom lined with professional weed barrier material and two by four stakes in all four corners for support. Four yards of fresh organ­ic planting soil was divided into the six beds.
About half of our building ma­terials and dirt was donated by lo­cal hardware stores and dirt yards that do business in our community. AAPDEP members and support­ers contributed the rest.
The hard farm­ing work was complimented by a fresh fish fry, us­ing fish AAPDEP members had gone down to the gulf and caught earlier.
Our work here in Houston is guid­ed by and is united with the African People’s Social­ist Party and All African People’s Development and Emp o w e rment Project’s trajectory of self-reliance and economic devel­opment. Our goal here in Houston is to make the 5th Ward Community Garden a jump-off point for the One Africa, One Na­tion Marketplace, a vision of the Party.
This would be a market­place where African vendors from throughout the city and surround­ing areas would come to the gar­den venue to market/sell their goods if they are compatible with a healthy lifestyle and African eco­nomic development.
The garden has in the past served as a venue for two such marketplaces—a Halloween Block Party and Music Festival and a Ju­neteenth Freedom Festival. Both were successful events, and we will keep our eyes on the prize— self sufficiency and economic de­velopment.
Meanwhile, back to the farm. In addition to the raised beds, the vast majority of the garden land base, which has already been tilled once this season, will be rowed up for planting. We will bring in at least eight more yards of fresh planting soil to give the old soil some nutri­tion, and till it in with the old.
Our greatest obstacles remain finding irrigation techniques (in case of a drought) and marketing the harvest. We are learning to do both of these things better as we go forward.
Thus far, the vegetables and fruit we are committed to plant are okra, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, turnip greens, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, watermelon, purple hull peas, sugar cane and much more.
To keep up with the develop­ment of this year’s crop, track us through The Burning Spear news­paper and UhuruNews.com. And you can always visit the garden at 3707 Brill Street, Houston, Texas 77026. Donations are also needed.
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