A slowly recovering President Chavez continues to fight for the people of Venezuela from his sickbed

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez remains in Cuba and is recovering after undergoing a fourth operation for cancer.
"He is much better. It has been a tough struggle, but he has been improving… We have to cure him. Chávez is very important for his country and for Latin America,” said Fidel Castro in the Communist Party newspaper, Granma.
Chávez has suffered new complications from a respiratory infection.
He also has cancer in the pelvic region.
Although Chávez has not been seen or heard from in public since his December 11, 2012 surgery in Cuba, the people of Venezuela stand in solidarity and await the return of El Commandante.
In his absence, threats against the natural resource-rich anti-imperialist nation are emerging.
Inter American Security Watch reports that U.S. secretary of state John Kerry criticized Chávez, saying that “the U.S. will be active in promoting democracy, human rights and anti-drug efforts in Venezuela.”
The imperialists are using their same-old excuses for attacking oppressed nations everywhere.
They can't openly say they want to steal Venezuela's oil. So they falsely accuse Chávez and his government of drug-trafficking and providing arms and safe-havens to "terrorists.”
These claims are understood by African Internationalists to be part of the modus operandi of imperialism in their attacks on sovereign nations that engage in any type of economic independence based on self-determination.
At the January, 2013 meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Santiago, Chile, Venezuelan Vice-President Nicolas Maduro read a lengthy typewritten letter from Chávez, asking countries to remain unified and to fight economic imperialism.

"We have to live with our differences … always trying to find the best way of complementing each other. We cannot let intrigues divide us," read the letter, which ended with Chávez's signature in red ink.

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