A look back at 2015: a year of black resistance, organization and struggle!

Editors Note: Here we chronologically note some of the major events of 2015 that were significant to the worldwide African community. For a more in depth view of 2015 you can search right here on Uhuru News.com. The people in the streets demanding justice was the main trend in 2015.
December 21, 2014—New York City, NY: Ismaaiyl Brinsley kills NYPD cops Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Brinsley vowed from his Instagram account to,“put wings on pigs”before the shooting. Brinsley also stated,“they take one of ours…let’s take two of theirs.” This story brought in the New Year – 2015.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2014-12/wings-on-pigs-our-struggle-for-black-freedom-and-the-deaths-of-two-new-york-city-cops/cops_on_wings_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:425px;” />

For the first time in decades NYPD forced to organize a political funeral in response to the Black Liberation Movement
January, 2015—Oakland, CA: The city, though not admitting to their cops’clear violation of African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) member Bakari Olatunji’s rights, agreed to pay him $40,000 for his trouble—proof that we can win when we’re organized!
http://uhururadio.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2012-11/victory-for-bakari-and-the-entire-african-community/BakariV_JPG-CONVERT-resize=600.JPG style=”width:350px;” />

 Bakari Olatunji
January 4, 2015—St. Louis, MO:  “the Black People’s Grand Jury (BPGJ) voted 11 to 1 to indict former Ferguson cop Darren Wilson on charges of first degree murder for the August 9, 2014, shooting death of Michael Brown.” The BPGJ was organized by the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM).
http://burningspearmarketplace.com/product_images/black_people_s_grand_jury_ferguson_dvd_set/dvd-package-draft1.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

January 7, 2015––Paris, France: Twelve people were killed in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices.
January 8 to 9, 2015—Paris invokes police state in hunt for the suspects who were retaliating for Charlie Hebdo’s redicule of the profet Muhammad. “Eight journalists, two cops, a caretaker and a visitor” were reported killed.
January 11, 2015—Tampa, FL: Chairman Omali Yeshitela delivers last words for 18-year-old Lyfe Lazarus Coleman at the New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Lyfe, son of Spear Managing Editor LIFE Malcolm, was murdered on January 5, 2015. More than 1000 people attended Lyfe’s funeral.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-04/the-international-african-community-organizes-to-funeralize-and-bury-one-of-our-own-sons/lyfe_png-CONVERT-resize=600.png style=”width:350px;” />

January 15, 2015—Tampa, FL: A jury of five white people and one African finds LIFE Malcolm NOT GUILTY, on charges of animal cruelty, resisting arrest and battery on a cop—all three charges—a rare and unusual outcome for Africans who dare to challenge the State in court, another testament that we can win when we’re organized!
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2014-12/spear-manager-facing-seven-years-in-prison-on-bogus-charges/lifespear_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:120px;” />

LIFE Malcolm
February 27, 2015—North Carolina: Five year old Fuzani Zuberi Curtis, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. Fuzani was born into and grew up in the Uhuru Movement. He was the son of Nyabinga Dzimbahwe and Tamara Wilcox-Curtis. Nyabinga served the African People’s Socialist Party for several years as our Director of Agitation and Propaganda, Editor of The Burning Spear newspaper and leader of UhuruRadio.com.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/events/2015-12-02/photo-submission-2-for-recap-of-2015/12009685_1007080035978875_4538313338266144918_n_jpg-CONVERT-resize=400.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

Fuzani Zuberi Curtis
March 26, 2015 to April 26, 2015—Sierra Leone: The All African People’s Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) takes to the streets with their Black Ankh Ebola initiative.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-04/aapdep-project-black-ankh-takes-to-the-streets/IMG_20150123_143558_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

March 21 to 22, 2015—Washington, DC: The African Internationalist Conference on African Women founds The African National Women’s Organization (ANWO).
March 28 to 29, 2015—London, England: The African Internationalist Conference on African Women takes place, bridging African women together the world over.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-04/it-s-here-long-live-the-african-national-women-s-organization/16930322841_a07ce8cded_z(1)_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

L to R: Yejide Orumila, Naomi Jeeter, Rose Turner and Fulaniyira Antinaka X
April 4,, 2015—North Charleston, South Carolina: South Carolina cop, Michael Slager shoots Walter Scott in the back, killing him after a traffic stop. Slager would later be indicted for murdering Scott, who was unarmed and running away. Scott’s murder was captured on video.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-04/police-murder-pure-and-simple-in-south-carolina-inpdum-responds/scott_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

North Charleston cop Michael Slager stands over the handcuffed dead body of Walter Scott
Baltimore uprising!
April 12, 2015—Baltimore, MD: Freddie Gray is beaten by Baltimore police and taken to the hospital. Outside of the Western District police station, protests begin on April 18th. Protests continue for a number of days. One week after the beating by the police, Freddie Gray dies at the shock trauma center with a severed spine. Mass rebellions in the streets of Baltimore brings city to a halt.
http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2889422/images/n-BALTIMORE-large570.jpg style=”width:570px;” />

April 18 to 19, 2015—St. Louis, MO: The Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice Peace and Reparations (BIBC) holds their “Black Community Control of Police”conference. The Black Community Control of Police demand is adopted by the BIBC’s member organizations and a kit with a petition and strategies is produced.
Omali Yeshitela at Black Community Control of Police Conference

May 26 to 31, 2015—Moscow, Russia: The Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia invites the African People’s Socialist Party and Chairman Omali Yeshitela to attend the roundtable conference of the Federation of Russian Migrants. The shared “concern by conference members about U.S. world military aggression”fosters solidarity between both organizations.
June 5, 2015—Mckinney, TX: Cop Eric Casebolt assaults a 14-year-old African girl at a pool party. Many other young Africans are assaulted by police who were called to the scene by the white residents who caused the initial commotion. The video of the attack went viral. Casebolt resigned from his post subsequently.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-06/police-terror-against-african-youth-in-mckinney-tx-black-community-control-of-police/2015-06-09-mckinney-eric-casebolt-620x350_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

June 15, 2015—Charleston, SC: White male Dylann Roof massacres nine African people at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church during a nighttime prayer meeting. Dylan prayed with the Africans before slaying them.
http://images.christianpost.com/full/84585/the-nine-emanuel-african-methodist-episcopal-church-members-allegedly-killed-by-dylann-storm-roof-21-on-wednesday-june-17-2015-during-a-bible-study-in-charleston-south-carolina.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

The nine Africans killed by Dylann Roof
Justice for Sandra Bland!
July 13, 2015, Waller County, Tx:—Sandra Bland, a 28 year old African political activist is found hanged in a Waller County, Texas jail cell. Bland had been illegally stopped and brutally arrested  by state trooper Brian T. Encinia, Protest erupt in Texas and around the U.S. demanding justice for Sandra Bland!
July 18, 2015—Harlem, NY: Chairman Omali Yeshitela attends the Harlem Book Fair. The Chairman is rushed off of the stage with his powerful new book,“An Uneasy Equilibrium” in hand by the MC of the book fair after he criticizes U.S. president Barack Hussein Obama.
August 22 to 23, 2015—Philadelphia, PA: The BIBC convened their “Black Power Matters”convention at the Uhuru Furniture store. The black power demand for “Black Community Control of the police”is forwarded.
August 31, 2015—Houston, TX: Shannon Miles is arrested for allegedly killing Texas Harris County sheriff’s deputy Darren Goforth. Shannon Miles’mother provides a strong alibi for her son, insisting that he was with her on August 27, 2015, the night Goforth was shot. The case is presently embroiled in a sex scandal, involving the dead cop and the lead DA investigator’s relationship with the woman with Goforth when he was shot.
September 2015—Moscow, Russia: Chairman Omali Yeshitela makes world-wide news at the conference, “Dialogue of Nations: the right to self-determination and the construction of a multipolar world.” The Independent, The Guardian, Bloomberg, Sputnick and other news outlets cover Chairman Omali’s “strong message of African self-determination” at the conference.
http://uhururadio.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-11/statement-in-solidarity-with-the-people-s-of-russia-and-syria-from-the-african-people-s-socialist-party/moscow_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

All African Women leadership! 
September 26 to 27, 2015—Chicago, IL: InPDUM elects an all African women leadership at their annual national convention. Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party, appoints Herdosia Bentum as President.
Denise Justice, Secretary and Elizabeth West, Director of Economic Development are appointed to their positions by President Herdosia Bentum. All of these women are from Ferguson, MO. Akile Cainion from St. Petersburg, FL, is appointed Director of Membership by the new President of InPDUM.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/events/2015-12-02/photo-only-for-recap-of-2015-article/12032663_10153300442058068_4365100875363340261_o_jpg-CONVERT-resize=400.jpg style=”width:450px;” />

The moment Herdosia Bentum accepts the Presidency of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement
October 2, 2015—Atlanta, GA: Omali Yeshitela, Chairman and founder of the APSP, officiated the funeral services for Comrade Connie Tucker (10/14/50-9/26/15). Connie Tucker was a founding member of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) in 1972 and worked for social justice for the remainder of her life.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-09/memorial-services-scheduled-for-connie-tucker-in-atlanta-georgia-on-october-2nd-2015/connie_update_jpg-CONVERT-resize=600.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

October 3, 2015–Oakland, CA: The Uhuru Solidarity Movement begin is annual Days in Solidarity with African People. The Uhuru Solidarity Movement wins other white people to support reparations to African people.

October 15, 2015—Washington, DC: The BIBC, InPDUM and ANWO attend the “Justice or Else” rally. These forces bring a revolutionary trajectory to the rally to organize African people for power.
October 17, 2015–Philadelphia, PA: The African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) initiates powerful new economic institution: The Uhuru Book Fair and Flea Market. The maiden event was a tremendous success.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-11/african-people-s-education-and-defense-fund-apedf-initiates-powerful-new-institution-the-uhuru-book-fair-flea-market-in-philly/phillty_young_photo_png-CONVERT-resize=600.png style=”width:350px;” />

October 2015–Chicago, IL; Homan Square black torture jail is revisited. From August 2004 to June 2015, over 7000, mostly African people have disappeared. “Off-the-books”interrogations and no access to legal representation are common at Homan Square.
October 20, 2015—Columbia, MO: African students of the University of Missouri-Columbia rise up against colonialism within the university system. They are later joined by the football team and national attention prompts African students across the country to organize.
http://uhurunews.com/imagecache/content/news/stories/2015-11/african-students-including-the-football-team-fight-colonialism-at-missouri-university/missou_jpe-CONVERT-resize=600.jpe style=”width:500px;” />

October 26, 2015—Columbia, SC: A “resource cop” at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina snatches a young African student from her desk and flings her across the classroom.
November 7 to 8, 2015—Washington, DC: Chairman Omali Yeshitela, Glen Ford, Ralph Poynter, Yejide Orunmila, Kamm Howard, Lisa Davis, Herdosia Bentum, Zaki Baruti, and other comrades of The BIBC convene their annual march and rally in Washington, D.C. under the banner,“Black Power Matters!”

Watch live streaming video from uhurunews at livestream.com
November 13, 2015—Paris, France: Coordinated mass shootings and suicide bombings kill 130 people. France cries it is at war. Progressive forces says France is not innocent.
No Tears for France Africa Live with Omali Yeshitela

November 24, 2015–Oakland, CA: APEDF completes renovation of historic East Oakland Uhuru House and opens Akwaaba Hall.
December 2, 2015—Chicago, IL: Dashcam video of Laquan McDonald, being shot 16 times by a Chicago cop as he walked away is released. Protesters take to the streets, demanding the resignations of the police chief, the mayor and Black Community Control of the Police.
http://uhururadio.com/imagecache/content/events/2015-12-02/photo-submission-for-recap-of-2015-article/20151127_114128_jpg-CONVERT-resize=400.jpg style=”width:500px;” />

December 7, 2015—San Bernardino, CA: Fourteen people are killed at the Inland Regional Center.  Muslims are accused of doing the shooting and are shot dead in a police ambush. As to who really did the shootings is still an open question. Incident leads leading U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump to call for ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
December 21, 2015 – Waller County Grand Jury fails to indict anyone for the jail house murder of Sandra Bland. Protest erupt.
http://anwouhuru.org/uploads/images/sliders/sandrabland1.jpg style=”width:350px;” />

December 27, 2015 – Worldwide Summation

The African People’s Socialist Party prepares for January 9 through 10 Party Plenary in St Petersburg, Florida under the slogan, “Prepare to Win! Prepare to Govern!”
2015 was a very good year for struggle. Uhuru!
Photo arrangements by Wil Lockett


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