Join the African Liberation Day March
One Africa ! One Nation! One billion strong!
Saturday 29 May 2010
From Camberwell Green to Peckham Square London, England.
Contact: Luwezi Kinshasa
Tel: 0786 229 4364,
This is a Call to all freedom loving Africans and our allies, to join this African Liberation Day mobilization as part of our efforts to take our destiny in our own hands.
African people are scattered all over the world, but if we unite we are more than one billion strong. In unity is where our power lies and where our salvation will come.
The struggle for a united and socialist Africa will come through revolution that is led by a conscious black working class, organized in its own interest, with its own revolutionary Party.
That international Party is the African Socialist International. The conditions of existence of our people demands revolutionary solutions.
All over the world African people live in squalor and poverty that was once imposed on our people by direct white power colonialism.
Today, the main tool used by the international white capitalist ruling class to downpress and exploit African people is neocolonialism – white power in black face.
White power imperialism today is dying, but not yet dead. It is desperately trying to rescue itself at the expense of African and other subject and colonial peoples of the world.
The neocolonialist led proxy wars in Sudan and Congo; the locking up of over two million Africans in U.S. prisons and jails; the U.S. sponsored sanctions against Zimbabwe; the ongoing war against Somalia; the invasions, wars and occupation of Irag, Afghanistan and Pakistan; and the saber rattling at Revolutionary Venezuela, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Bolivia are all manifestations of an imperialism in crisis, attempting to rescue itself at the expense of the toiling masses of the world.
We watch our people dying daily trying to cross the Mediterranean in search of our stolen resources in non-seaworthy vessels, while at the same time witnessing a sea full of European ships filled with our oil, gold and timber to be used by parasitic white capitalists.
In Britain, more of our children go to jails than to universities. We are eight times more likely to be stopped by the police than white people are, although whites commit eight times as many so-called crimes.
Our brothers and sisters in Haiti are suffering mightily, even as present day France owes its wealth and extravagance to the Africans living in Haiti. They stole everything our labor created.
Brothers, sisters and comrades, the same trade in African people that put Africans in Haiti in harms way is responsible for the emiseration of the Africans throughout the world and in Africa itself,
Therefore, the worldwide African Liberation Movement must be a movement for self-determination, reparations and socialism under a unified and socialist Africa, with the African working class and peasantry at the helm.
Here in Europe many of the puppet rulers, the neocolonialist black petty bourgeoisie, are trained and groomed to facilitate the theft of African resources that leaves us in poverty without basic essentials such as healthcare or educational institutions.
The formation and existence of a united African Revolutionary struggle, led by a single revolutionary organization is what will advance the interest of African workers and peasants! That organization is the African Socialist International.