
Chairman’s strong message of African self-determination to Russian conference makes worldwide news!

ST. PETERSBURG, FL--News agencies around the world-both western imperialist and anti-western outlets-covered the conference, "Dialogue of Nations: the right to self-determination and the construction of a multipolar world."

20th anniversary of the Million Man March

The Uhuru Movement just came back from the "No Justice, Or Else" 20th anniversary of the Million Man March—I call it “No Justice, No Else”—that took place on October 10, 2015 in Washington D.C. We are super excited about all the wins we had there.

Indigenous Hawaiians demand their country back

The Kingdom of Hawai'i was an independent nation until 1893. The Kingdom had diplomatic relations, treaties, conventions, and other international agreements with numerous countries throughout the world, including the United States.

Join the Black is Back March on Washington: “Black Community Control of the Police” November 7, 2015

Hundreds of black people will be convening in Washington, D.C. to participate in the November 7 and 8 Black Power Matters rally, march and national conference sponsored by the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations.

Human fossils: White people still “discovering” us in Africa

JOHANNESBURG--Humanity, the history of humankind and human societies owes its existence to the land of Africa. The recent discovery of fossils 40 metres beneath the earth in the Rising Star cave, just 50 km from Johannesburg, South Africa confirms this fact.

Police terror against African youth in McKinney, TX! kefing test

June is a hot summer month with an average of 90 degree weather in McKinney, Texas - ideal weather for a pool party and barbecue.

Black Lives Matter: Opportunism by any name must be exposed!

'"Black Lives Matter," while it appears to some to be a catchy, innocuous slogan, is in fact a pitiful, empty, directionless cry that barely conceals the opportunism and opportunists responsible for its prevalence."

African People’s Education and Defense Fund expands to defend the people in Oakland

OAKLAND, CA—The African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) is growing in Oakland, California.

The London front of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) organized community fight-back against police containment

"The London police rounded up black youth, whether they were involved in the incident or not-a move similar to what police do in New York, Ferguson and every other black community in the U.S."