Since our last Plenary in January 2016 the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) has been engaged in a blistering pace of struggle and development to carry out our responsibility to provide leadership to the African workers and nation during this extraordinary era of imperialist crisis.
This is our third Plenary since the December 2013 Sixth Congress of our Party. Like the two previous plenaries it will examine the state of our work to carry out the mandates and resolutions established by the Sixth Congress and prepare us for the Party’s Seventh Congress scheduled for Oakland, California in 2018.
This Political Report to our Plenary will also define our work and existence at this moment, when incredible upheaval is occurring within the imperialist centers, proving again that imperialist stability depends on parasitic colonial domination of the world.
In a victory for Indigenous resistance inside U.S. colonial borders, thousands of Standing Rock Sioux people and supporters at the Oceti Sakowin or Seven Council Fires encampment in North Dakota celebrated after they forced the Obama administration and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to back down on Dec. 4, 2016.
The eight-month-long militant protest demanded the blockage of the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, a $3.8 billion oil pipeline financed by a consortium of imperialist banks. The pipeline was slated to transport 50,000 barrels of oil a day from the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota to southern Illinois.
The encampment drew in thousands of Indigenous people and allies and galvanized the support of millions of people throughout the world. The Standing Rock Sioux people were fighting to defend their water supply, Lake Oahe, and their Indigenous land which was stolen during hundreds of years of genocidal assaults by the U.S. government and white settlers of the oppressor nation.
2016 has been a critical year, characterized by the increasing resistance of African and Indigenous people, worldwide. As we enter 2017, we will look at some of the key moments that marked this year, 2016.
The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) is an organization that is no stranger to struggle and resistance.
The oppressed and colonized working class Africans of Houston, Texas recognize the benefits of this organization and consolidated a local chapter on Nov 20, 2016 to address the question of liberation for Africans.
It has been said that freedom of the press belongs only to those who own and control it; and it is with the understanding that the African working class had to have its own voice and be able to define the world around it that we began publishing The Burning Spear newspaper in 1968.
December 22, 2016 marks The Burning Spear newspaper’s 47th Anniversary! That's 47 years of revolutionary struggle reflected on the pages of our newspaper!
Since our very beginning, The Spear has given our people the proper tools and information on how to get organized and how to win against colonialism and parasitic capitalism!
The African People’s Socialist Party will, on January 7-9, 2017, put revolution firmly back on the agenda for African people with our annual magnificent Plenary celebration to be held at our headquarters in the city of St. Petersburg, Florida!
Our Party members, members of our mass organizations and supporters from around the world will converge in St. Pete for this revolutionary celebration.
The African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) is pleased to announce the launch of our newly updated website on December 19, 2016 after over a month of hard work and dedication! Our new site can be found at this URL:
It has been a month and a half since Donald Trump was elected president of the U.S. on November 8, 2016. Since then, he has been busy consolidating the team of people who will assist him in continuing the U.S. legacy of violent imperialist and colonial domination against Africans and oppressed peoples.
He appointed the white nationalist Alabama politician Jeffrey Sessions to position of attorney general. Sessions is quoted by several people as saying how he “admired” the KKK and once called an African assistant general attorney for the state of Alabama “boy,” according to independent journalist Sarah Wildman.