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Yearly Archives: 2014

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine speak out on recent violence in Jerusalem

â What is being called â Har Nofâ was in fact built on the ruins of the village of Deir Yassin, ethnically cleansed in 1948 and hundreds of Palestinians slaughtered at the hands of the Haganah and Zionist terror organizations, as they expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their land"

Masses rise up against neo colonialism in Burkina Faso

Sankara was the inspiration of the militant African masses that brought down Compaore.

The battle for Ferguson: The struggle for independence and autonomy

We have to also politicize the community and explain why voter registration drives are not delivering the real change we need because we're voting in leaders who are collaborators with the very system that is responsible for murdering Michael Brown.

Free all anti Szwartz Piet Demonstrators – End Colonial Santa Claus Parade

All â Black Pietsâ in the parade are White people dressed with fake locs, faces painted black and lips red.

Ferguson update! Fill the streets the day after the verdict!

To locate where Day After actions are happenning in your area go to Black is Back Coalition Facebook page.

Drum and Spear – Letters to the Editor

The power of the week-long boycott reminded the State that their power to oppress prisoners and the people more often than not depend on our consent. Once we withdraw that consent their sense of security and control becomes much less certain.

AAPDEP Houston Branch 5th Ward Community Garden teach-in for students of YES Prep School

As an organization dedicated to developing community based projects which focus on improving the quality of life of African people worldwide, AAPDEP has a three- fold mission focusing on health, agriculture, and education.

Reverand Pickney convicted with no evidence

Pinkney and other members of the Benton Harbor community group, BANCO (Black Autonomy Network Community Organization), have led multiple petition drives to recall local officials as one strategy of their campaign to promote democracy, civil rights, and economic justice in the county.


â When the FBI makes these kinds of noises in public, you can be sure that a national counter-intelligence operation is already fully in motion.â

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