Join the African People's Solidarity Committee on January 11 and 12, 2015 in St. Petersburg, Florida for our national conference featuring a keynote presentation by Chairman Omali Yeshitela and APSC Chairwoman Penny Hess.
ST PETERSBURG, FL--Uhuru Tours and Speakers Bureau is launching Chairman Omali Yeshitelaà Ã'¢ s 2015 worldwide tour targeting the U.S., Canada, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean, with the slogan, à Ã'¢ Presenting African Internationalism to the world.à Ã'¢
When The Smoke Clearz
By Taalam Acey
And it goes like this…
And it goes like this…
Sometimes I believe that some of these emcees sit down and...
The most profound comment Tamir's father made came when he said "The police know what they're doing." He's right. Like Malcolm X said nearly 50 years ago, "As long as they've been doing it, they're experts at it."
It would be wise for members of INPDUM to move with one another, whenever possible, since we are going out with protestors and demonstrators from other groups and interest sectors and do not know the tactics and methods they are planning.
"at this moment the contradictions associated with the arrest of the Chairman at this period of imperialist crisis, when imperialism is reckless and desperate, outweigh the immediate benefits that his arrest might bring."
Join thousands around the U.S. and world in massive protests calling for justice for Mike Brown and African people everywhere, regardless of the grand juryâ s decision!